Ceilyn and Teleri & Tryffin and Gwenlliant trilogies

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Teresa, just to ask, I noticed you have Child of Saturn and The Moon in Hiding re-released on Amazon, but I noticed in one of the reviews it mentions a wider range of books:

The first trilogy that focuses on Ceilyn and Teleri is made up of:
Child of Saturn
The Moon in Hiding
The Work of the Sun
The second trilogy which focuses on Tryffin and Gwenlliant is made up of:
The Castle of the Silver Wheel
The Grail and the Ring
The Moon and the Thorn

I just wondered how things are going in getting the rest of these books re-released?
Gary was helping me with the technical aspects of republishing the books from scanned pages and also creating covers, then we each got sick for a while and lost momentum, and then, of course Gary died. So I am on my own and rather bewildered by some of the technical aspects (plus the second trilogy never did get scanned). So I do definitely still plan to bring them all out, but not sure when.
I've just read some formerly out-of-print Carol Berg fantasy books which have been re-printed by WordFire Press, a Kevin J Anderson venture, and the note on the copyright page specifically states they're reprinting "selected out-of-print novels in hopes of creating a new readership." Perhaps it's worth contacting them as and when they're open for submissions?
I'll look into that, thanks! But since the first two book in the first trilogy are not actually OP (since I self-published them a year ago they've brought in a small but more-or-less steady income) the likelihood of a publisher being interested is probably close to zero. But one never knows, I guess, unless they ask.

The other thing is that I feel some obligation to readers of the first two to produce the third as soon as possible and at a similar price point. Given my current mental fog, general ineptitude when it comes to computers, it will probably take longer than I'd like, unless a friend with experience in desk- top publishing finds more time than seems likely at present and can help me out. (I will spare you the gruesome details, and just say that the book might have been published a year ago as promised had not the formatting of the scanned file gone distinctly muddled and I couldn't get it into shape to send to Gary.) So while it will take a while, even should I get lucky enough to acquire some assistance, to get the book published myself, a publisher would probably take a year or two, and then the book would probably cost readers considerably more. So self-publishing would be my preference, though at the rate things are going I might have to adjust my expectations.
Sincerely hope you find someone capable to help. I'd like to offer to try to help but I'm not up to much these days. Maybe we have one or more members here with experience of scanning?
I've been rereading the Green Lion trilogy and I'm wondering, was Tiffaine's mother Gwendolyn, Mawdawc's daughter? I can't remember if they ever mention the name of Mawdawc's daughter she just gets referred to as a goat girl and such. The references to goats during the stay in
Teirwaedd Morfa made me think of it. I think it would be interesting if Tiffaine and Garanwyn were distantly related.
As of now there is no relationship between them, Jeremy, but things change. If I ever write more in the series and develop Tiffaine and Garanwyn's story further, who knows what might turn up to be the case? For now, the goats are just goats, not a clue to anything. I'm flattered that you are still thinking about the books and wondering about possible connections. So thanks for asking!


Brian, before I think about scanning and publishing the second trilogy, I need to finish publishing the first. The file for The Work of the Sun has been scanned, but Amanda used a different scanner for that one than she used for the others, so the formatting is ever-so-slightly wonky, and I don't know what to do about it. More to the point, I think I need the help of someone with self-publishing experience to see me through the process of formatting and uploading, etc.

Right now, as a matter of fact, my husband and I have been working on new cover art for the ebooks of Child of Saturn and The Moon in Hiding, since I am very much not satisfied with the present covers of the ebooks, and on cover art for The Work of the Sun. We are doing this with no idea whether help will appear to assist me with republishing/publishing the books. But I decided to do this as a leap of faith, figuring that if help does materialize I should have my part already done, or at least far advanced, so as not to let the moment pass.

As for the second trilogy, I have a very good scanner on my printer (scanners having advanced a long way since the days when Amanda was scanning the other books) and could take care of scanning it myself, though it would be a long tedious process doing it page-by-page. I'm quite willing, though, if I can get The Work of the Sun out before I move on to the Mochdreff trilogy—which I think would need a name if the day ever arrives. I've been thinking The Sorrows of Mochdreff, but that could change.

So it's all very much up-in-the-air. But by working on the covers I am putting out a call to the universe to provide me with the help I need. Crossing my fingers that the universe will give me a positive answer.
I can only wish
It was my original intention to write a further trilogy, centering around Fflergant and Tryffin (but with roles for all the familiar characters), and a prequel trilogy or duology about Glastyn's early life. At this point, I don't know if I will ever do any of that. And the plot took an unexpected turn in the Mochdreff books, so that my plans for the later books would have to change anyway.

(Though a younger Glastyn does make an appearance under another name in one of the alternate pasts in the Shadow Lands.)