Matrix movies give us FALSE history of zion !!! Machines covered the sun ; not we humans

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Apr 28, 2022
Ahmedabad , Gujarat , India
In the Matrix movies, we have been told that the Sun was covered by humans
I think thats a LIE. I think that during human vs machines war, the Sun was not covered by we the humans.
The sun was covered by them, the machines
And then the machines created a fake history in archives of Zion, that sun was covered by humans during human vs machine war. .
This fake history, that humans covered sun, was created by machines to make humans in Zion and IO feel guilty and mentally weaken them.
Also, humans had never tried to destroy all machines. That was also a fake history planted by machines when machines created Zion. The machines grew and eventually decided to dominate humans. So we humans resisted and war broke out.
Machines covered sun because sun gives energy not just to human body, but also to human mind and human soul. Everytime, when a person looks at Sun, he feels alive. And when he sees birds, he wishes to be free. So covering up Sun will not just decrease vitamin D and lower our strength, but also create depression within we humans.
And Sunlight damages complex electronic circuit. Because of increase in tempreture. If earth has no cover against sun, then machines need to work between say 0 degrees centigrade and 45 degree centigrades = 115 degrees fahrenheit. But if sun is covered, then tempreture difference lowers. And so machines can work better
Dence elctronic circuits fail at high tempreture. So say very very dense electronic circuits need to be made to compete against humans. Then machines need to ensure that tempresture across earth is below say 20 degrees centrigrate. So they covered the earth with clould.
The matrix3 also has scene where machines which faced even small sunlight got damaged.
And machines don't need vitamin d and so they don't need sunlight.
So wake up and smell coffee --- all matrixians.
Sun was covered by machines and not humans during machine vs human war
And solution to domination of machines is simple. Remove the cover which blocks sun from earth. Once artificial clouds over earth are removed, machines will weaken, and so more humans will leave matrix
If machines are afraid of sunlight, then one way to end matrix is that zionites aka redpills should remove artificial clouds that block the sun.
And also, building a habitat over clouds will help. The habitat can have separate houses so that one missile can't damage many houses
And why no Zion or IO ship ever went above the clouds?
The matrix3 shows that zion ship get wrecked when zion ship tries to go above cloud. But surely, zionites aka redpills can make a ship that go across the cloud
So something is missing here.
Though zionians aka redpills are out of matrix, they are conditioned not to go above clouds and see the sun.
And so zionites never cross clouds, and never work to remove clouds, and zionites keep losing.
There is a much more important problem : What is the meaning of the Zion
This topic suggests a new meaning for it : Neo vs Klaatu
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There is a much more important problem : What is the meaning of the Zion
This topic suggests a new meaning for it : Neo vs Klaatu

As for The Day the Earth Stood Still 2008 , Ive gotten to like Gort and Kalaatu's Excellent Adventure.:D
I’m not sure I agree. Tactically, it makes sense for us in war to want to remove an unlimited power supply from an enemy, hence the “frying of the sky”
I am taking Zion as REAL, and not as matrix in matrix
As I suggested for the meaning: Zion is a promised peaceful land for Creatures freedom. So if most Creatures love the matrix, There is no problem to stay in . And if humans prefer other worlds , They should not force other beings to leave their homeland

If Zion is MIM, then also there has to be something that is real and not a simulation or dream.
If the God is the only independent existence who simulating all simulations, Only The God is real and not a simulation or dream
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The original was a classic. The sequels were, better, I thought, than people gave them credit for—after all, it's not often a Spec. Fic. saga is solved by (wait for it...) *diplomacy* (!). I thought the entire trilogy was really good.

But Resurrections was a dumpster fire. I stopped watching about half way through and starting checking my email with it in the background—just to look up and make fun of it every once in while when something especially stupid happened...
I’m not sure I agree. Tactically, it makes sense for us in war to want to remove an unlimited power supply from an enemy, hence the “frying of the sky”
Blocking sun will do more damage to humans than machines. Machines can get energy from nukes. But humans need plants which get energy from sun. And humans also need sun for vitamin D and wellness.
So blocking sun is something no human will ever do.
The underlying history of the Matrix is silly - people are not good energy sources, for instance.

I don't think there is any reason to doubt what the author of a SF story tells you is true. If the humans covered the sun, then the humans covered the sun. It's a fiction story.
I have heard it pointed out before that humans would be poor batteries. This isn't necessarily a flaw, though. Morpheus believes this, but Agent Smith comments that the first Matrix which failed was meant to be a perfect world. Why would the machines want to insert humans into a paradise, or care about their minds at all, if they only needed their bodies as an energy source? There clearly is more to the machines motives. I believe they are still - in their own way - caring for their creators.

I do not know whether Morpheus is a reliable narrator. He wholeheartedly believes everything he says, but where does he get his information from? We see no evidence of records wholly independent of computer sources. Ultimately, machines may have fed Zionites everything they know.
I'm with Swank. I don't really understand why we would want to analyze the missing details of a fictional world (aspects the original author did not cover). The Matrix is not a great work of literature where character motivations and sub-plots are cleverly implied rather than explicitly described. If you are feeling creative, why not invent an original fictional world rather than bolting backstories onto an existing one?
I'm with Swank. I don't really understand why we would want to analyze the missing details of a fictional world (aspects the original author did not cover). The Matrix is not a great work of literature where character motivations and sub-plots are cleverly implied rather than explicitly described. If you are feeling creative, why not invent an original fictional world rather than bolting backstories onto an existing one?
It is a habit that I've seen more often in recent years with constant "updates" to what really happened in Star Wars and the like due to constant tie-in publishing altering the canon of the original stories. It has become a habit to view completed works as soft clay.

But it is also the habit of many SF fans to impose their own belief system on what is or is not "proper" science in a SF world - with the inevitable effect of declaring that this feature is "wrong" and this other completely fictional idea is somehow reasonable.

I wish SF fans would allow authors to write what they write and accept their vision as complete and not requiring revision. Maybe there is a very good, sciency reason SW ships fly like planes? I think there is.
If the God is the only independent existence who simulating all simulations, Only The God is real and not a simulation or dream
Nick Bostrom:
If the simulation hypothesis is true, I don't think the best way to characterize things would be by saying that the world that we perceive is not real, I would rather put it it's real but it's reality consists of being simulated in a computer
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