A Home for Crazy Brilliance


Active Member
Feb 24, 2022
"We all exist in our own personal reality of craziness"
- Alejandro Jodorowsky

Tell you what? The other day I did something totally crazy. I was stuck staring at a blank document page and the only sentences I could conjure were lifeless dialogues and cliches. Then I did something I'd never thought of, I sat still for 15 minutes straight and shut off all the filters in my brain before typing away with only the faintest inkling of what I was writing about. What I got at the end of those 3 hours was absolutely senseless and I regretted none of it.

Here is a gist: A futuristic militant society where humans no longer need to defecate thanks to hybridized microbes introduced into their large intestine which break down their feces to release an energy matter used to power their specialized combat suits...

The reason for this thread is simple, Lay bare your weirdest and most absurd idea that you wouldn't otherwise ever dream of writing. Logic has no place here.

*Enter your catharsis
Most of mine end up in the writing challenges.

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