Only seeing this now. The video was staged quite poorly and it's possible the tape had been weakened beforehand to guarantee success, but this technique does work. I performed it myself multiple times while following an anti-abduction course.
It also works just as well on plastic zip ties (assuming you don't mind the occasional bit of torn skin). If that can be of any interest to someone here for a story, the trick is to ensure the pawl of the cable tie, which is its weak spot, is exactly between your wrists and that the zip tie is as tight as it can be (tighten it with your teeth if that's not the case). Then perform the exact same motion the lady was doing in the video. An alternative is to use your hip bone rather than your ribcage as the surface of impact. Most people who had problems with this technique are those who interrupted the motion too early and just constantly punched themselves, so it's important that you really follow through as if you were trying to pass through your body, not hit it.
Of course there are probably limits to what can be achieved. If your wrists are tied with a full roll of duct tape or a 2-inch-thick cable tie, well, good luck (although I haven't tried those specific situations, so who knows).