Willow TV; series


pixie druid
Staff member
May 4, 2005
I may live in Yorkshire but I'm a Scot
A new TV adaption of Willow coming November 22.
Not a remake but a sequel to the film.
It was a decent fantasy film . It could easily work as a tv series.
Watched the first episode of the Willow TV series last night, and ... really enjoyed it!

Wasn't sure what to expect, and It was a bit of a slow burn. As it introduced the main characters I felt like I was watching an exercise in ticking boxes. But by the end I realized there was something actually very unique in the set-up. There was some fun dialogue and toward the end some laugh-out-loud lines.

Looking forward to episode 2 tonight. :)
Episode 2 was ... okay. The main focus was on Willow and his generic fantasy warnings, as well as his village, none of which was really very captivating. As my youngest said, it "got lost in its own genre".

Episode 3 was better because it allow more character banter, and the scene with the two woodswomen in the clearing was worth watching for alone.
Episode 4 was just "trapped in a haunted castle" where the characters revisited their personal nightmares. I'm not one for horror, but felt this episode stopped the story rather than progressed it, so didn't really enjoy it.

Anyway, looks like there are more than 4 episodes with a new one out this week - not sure how many more there will be - but we're taking a planned break for Christmas films now. :)
Well, I think this series got cancelled? Anyway, it didn't appeal enough for us to restart.

On the one hand, there's some great characterization and dialogue in this. On the other, there's some terrible characterization and dialogue in this. The problem is that Willow doesn't know who to appeal to - it's half aimed at children, half aimed at older teens, and it just doesn't work. The human characters themselves are pretty well done, interesting, and entertaining - the problem is the moment the character Willow appears on the screen everything becomes juvenile and cliche. The story ends up being like a car that someone tries to drive by repeatedly putting the handbrake on for no reason - it drags, it grates. But I guess they couldn't cut out Willow from the show, Willow. However, maybe someone can take some of the more interesting characters and dialogue from this series and repurpose it elsewhere. :)
Iger says they are going to back down from the preachy projects but I think it is a hollow promise.
The fact that they would make this show and then bury it.
How unprofessional.
Imagine working for them--as a writer or actor or whatever--and knowing that the boss, the patron, sees what you do as disposable as a dixie cup.
That is not the way to manage serious artists. Or the artists you get are going to be very disinterested.
I haven't seen it, but Disney have ignored good story telling in order to showcase other things. Of course these things will fail, there's no substance.

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