I don't understand your question, Bramandin.
Are you asking how long your chapters should be? If so, then the trite answer is to make them as long as they need to be and no longer. And no one can judge that without reading what you've written. There is no magic number as to the lengths of scenes and chapters, because it all depends -- on what's happening, what the characters are doing, what is necessary for the pace of the story, and even what kind of book you're writing.
If you're asking for advice as to whether you ought to merge two or perhaps three chapters into one, then again there's simply no way anybody can give an helpful answer to that without reading all of the chapters concerned.
If you're asking where to bring in chapter breaks, then redzwritez raised a similar query here
Where do chapters start and end? but again it's not something that others can help with.
If you're not confident making decisions of this kind, then it does seem to me that you need to find a writing group that will help you.
EDIT: Further to Wayne's post, as I was writing, I was wondering if you simply meant how, in Word, you could move the chapters around, but that seemed rather a strange thing to ask, to put it no higher. Surely it's a simple matter of copy and pasting and removing page breaks if you're writing in one continuous document, and then renumbering as necessary. (I work in discrete documents for individual chapters, but the process is much the same.)