Rufus Coppertop
Who pinched my --ing harp?
Aaaaaah!Each ball takes half a year to travel to a point that is half a light year away. The light from each ball then takes half a year to travel back to the origin. If I observe the objects after one year, I see them half a light year away from me.
Okay. I get what you're saying. After a year, we're looking at light that is six months old. It makes perfect sense. What I don't get though, is the concept that the ball really is only half a light year away considered from its own point of view.
If we imagine that Auntie Dorris has just hung out her washing on a space station one light year away and one of the balls knocks her knickers off the line a year later and she rings up on a magic telephone that can transmit messages instantly, she'll surely be shouting "Oi! Knock that off!" a year later, won't she?
And when she does, we'll know that the ball actually travelled a full light year in that year even though it looks to us as if it's only halfway to her knickers.