So, my current work in progress stands at around 82K words over 23 chapters, each around 10 to 14 pages, all setup to the recommended margins, font and font sizes I;ve found online.
And I'm only at this point got any of the protagonists (they've been split into two groups) anywhere near the end goal, and even then I don't think getting just one of even both groups there will end up resolving everything within one chapter.
And I did plan this out, very roughly, even broke down the plan by saying ot myself, ok, this part needs to happen in this chapter, this part happens in the next chapter, and so on. But of course, then I end up writing the thing and suddenly find a lot more interesting things coming to mind that need to be used, and while the plan hasn't gone completely out the window, it has extended things a fair bit. If I hadn't included those newer bits I'd probably have a WIP that is half as long as this one is, and still not be near the end goal.
But of course, this has me wondering, how many chapters is too many? Would a publisher baulk at a manuscript that is 120K words in total with 30 chapters? Would anyone here want to read a book that has that many chapters to it?
And I'm only at this point got any of the protagonists (they've been split into two groups) anywhere near the end goal, and even then I don't think getting just one of even both groups there will end up resolving everything within one chapter.
And I did plan this out, very roughly, even broke down the plan by saying ot myself, ok, this part needs to happen in this chapter, this part happens in the next chapter, and so on. But of course, then I end up writing the thing and suddenly find a lot more interesting things coming to mind that need to be used, and while the plan hasn't gone completely out the window, it has extended things a fair bit. If I hadn't included those newer bits I'd probably have a WIP that is half as long as this one is, and still not be near the end goal.
But of course, this has me wondering, how many chapters is too many? Would a publisher baulk at a manuscript that is 120K words in total with 30 chapters? Would anyone here want to read a book that has that many chapters to it?