Brown Notes and Triggers


Active Member
Jul 23, 2020
The trope of a trigger word or brown note can sometimes be a clever device in stories. Whether it's the "would you kindly" from Bioshock, the lobotomy in Manchurian Candidate or the simple list of specific words read in order to the Winter Soldier in Marvel films.

But it's a trope at the end of the day, and one that has tripped me up in my own writing. I found the Brown Note page useful in listing many examples, but wondered if anyone had any favourite devices in stories that triggered a character into doing something they otherwise couldn't (or wouldn't) do. Or something as simple as a few simple words or actions being a force within itself.

Vogon poetry, anyone?
Never heard of this film
edit: Oh that movie. Saw that too but I meant "The life of Pi"

My favorite scene in this movie is where

The whale comes up from the depths as Pi is in the raft

I saw it on the big screen in 3D and it remains the only compelling example of using 3D in movies for me.

I can not wait to see it on the projector at home, but I am having to wait until my other half carves out time.
I love Pi. Saw it in the theater. I don't know if it counts because so few people could understand the number well enough to be made sick by it.

This Brown Note thing seems a little ill defined if the trope page is including sonic weapons that shatter stone. Pontypool is one of the more interesting takes on it.

Medusa is a classic. I did not see the Sirens mentioned, but there you go, sailor.

Perhaps Name of the Rose?

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