Your Halloween Reading and Film watching?

Dave Vicks

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
Probably IT by Stephen King.And some Matheson ,Poe and Lovecraft.

For film probably NIGHT OF
I haven't seen the recent IT pair, so that could be fun.

Not sure about reading. I have a couple of F. Paul Wilson books to read.
Recently watched some older Italian giallo and horror movies: The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh, Your Vice is a Room and Only I Have the Key (two strange mystery movies with more than a touch of Hitchcock, that latter also incorporating a touch of Poe); The Whip and the Body, Black Sabbath. I'll probably watch more before the month's over.

Finished Luck Girl by M. Rickert, which was good (not great, but good). Right now reading stories from Conference with the Dead by Terry Lamsley when I get the urge to read, and they're quite good. Probably all I'll get to this month.
Ellen Datlow I heard has good Horror Anthologies.
She does. I can almost guarantee that not every story will be to your taste because she offers a wide range of stories, styles and approaches. At least, I'll read one or two that work well for me, then a couple I'm less keen on, and then the next one will blow me away. Without her anthologies, I wouldn't have found a few writers I like, like Jonathan Carroll and Caitlin Kiernan.

Paula Guran also produces good anthologies, though I think hers may have a somewhat narrower range of styles and approaches.

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