Interactive Globe of Notable People

M. Robert Gibson

Feb 10, 2018
Another of those time stealing sites

Using data from Morgane Laouenan et al., the map is showing birthplaces of the most "notable people" around the world. Data has been processed to show only one person for each unique geographic location with the highest notability rank.

Do we have any notable people here, I wonder?
Or is there anybody notable from your part of the world?

The most notable near my birth place is Captain James Cook
I'd like to know their definition of notable, when my area has two obscure 1930's footballers in it, but not Admiral Earl Sir John Jellicoe, C-in-C of the Grand Fleet at the Battle of Jutland, described as "the only man who could lose the (Great) War in an afternoon..."

And they've got Matthew Nielson, a 'notable basketball coach' as having been born in my home town of Penrith, Cumbria, UK, instead of over 10,000 miles away in Penrith, NSW, Australia. Doesn't inspire confidence...
I suppose we'll have to blame the authors of the data for any inaccuracies, Morgane Laouenan, Palaash Bhargava, Jean-Benoît Eyméoud, Olivier Gergaud, Guillaume Plique and Etienne Wasmer

If you fancy a bit of 'light reading', here's their paper

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