To my surprise, after finishing the Koval, mentioned above, I Looked at my TBR pile and it wasn't there. Between some that were dnf and a dearth of new stuff, mainly occasioned by spending a couple of weeks out of town, I had nothing new waiting. I'm still enjoying the Pratchett bio, but for me that's not bedtime reading.
So I went to my dusty back room shelf and took down,
The Arbor House Treasury of Great Short Science Fiction Novels. ed by Robert Silverberg & Martin Greenburg.
I probably bought it about when it came out (1980) so it was no surprise that although all fifteen authors in the anthology were familiar, several of the stories, by title anyway, were unfamiliar. A few were so fondly remembered that they would be difficult rereads. To my pleasure, several possibles were not. Anyway. So far I have re-read Heinlein's By His Bootstraps, The Dead Past (Asimov), Equinoctial (Niven), and A Case of Conscience (Blish).
Also read the unfamiliar The Miracle Workers (Jack Vance)
Still to go Born with the Dead (Silverber), Beyond Bedlam (Wyman Guin), The Golden Helix (Sturgeon), Second Game (Charles de Vet & Katherine McLean), The Road To The Sea, (Clarke), The Star Pit, (Delaney), Giant Killer, (A Bertram Chandler), Dio (Damon Knight) & On The Storm Planet, (Cordwainer Smith). Also Houston, Houston Do you Read (Tiptree).
Based on the enjoyment that I have had thus far (although the Asimov, Heinlein and Clarke were a lot wordier than I remembered) I wondered if anyone would be interested in a thread on classic anthologies and old Best of the Year collections?