DuckDuckGo Email Protection


Shropshire, U.K.
Feb 13, 2006
Shropshire, U.K.
I saw this advertised on TV last night and thought I'd follow it up.

From the link:

Companies embed trackers in images and links within email messages, letting them collect information like when you’ve opened a message, where you were when you opened it, and what device you were using. In our closed Email Protection beta, we found that approximately 85% of beta testers’ emails contained hidden email trackers! Very sneaky. Companies can use this information to build a profile about you.

DuckDuckGo Email Protection is a free email forwarding service that removes multiple types of hidden email trackers and lets you create unlimited unique private email addresses on the fly. You can use Email Protection with your current email provider and app – no need to update your contacts or juggle multiple accounts. Email Protection works seamlessly in the background to deliver your more-private emails right to your inbox.

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