Short Stories or Novellas That would Make Good Feature Films

I would like to see Nnedi Okorafor’s “Binti” trilogy as films. Each of the first three stories is novella-length.
All the Way Back by Michael Shaara and they could conceivably get more then one film.
Two tales by Poul Anderson.

1. The Star Plunderers This is one of my favorite short stories by him, A goupof Terran enslaved about a ship run by a corrupt aline empire stage a rebellion about the the and take over. This be a fun movie.:cool:

2. Lord of Thousand Sun A Terran Solider lieutenant John Laird , on the run from an enemy an aline world goes into an old ruin and gets cornered . finds a mysterious helmet which he mistakes it for a weapon foolishly puts it on his head and discovers that it contains the personality , memory and personality of a long dead aline Emperor named Daryesh ruler and Lord of Thousand Suns who now controls his body and has his own plans for the future. This story ask a very important philosophical , Can two men who don't particularly like each other share a body without driving each other crazy? :D This too would make a wonderful feature film .:cool:
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For those with a long memory, the novella that came with the computer game Elite (titled 'The Dark Wheel') would make for a good tv show/movie. Back then we had to imagine the events of the book taking place within the game. We had to have really good imaginations back then.

Still on the subject of video games, Lords of Midnight/Doomdark's Revenge had the potential to make for a good movie/tv series.
The BBC (I think) did a dramatization of John Christopher's Tripods Trilogy. But I always thought his Prince Trilogy was the better piece of work and would make a fantastic high-budget series. Dark, dystopian and a thoroughly ripping yarn.
The BBC (I think) did a dramatization of John Christopher's Tripods Trilogy. But I always thought his Prince Trilogy was the better piece of work and would make a fantastic high-budget series. Dark, dystopian and a thoroughly ripping yarn.

I really enjoyed the tv series. The first was much better - and ran at a more sedate pace - than the second series, but both are worth watching (and on DVD). Sadly they didn't finish the story off.

A little surprising that Netflix/Prime/Sky have never picked this series up (same with Blake's 7).
The rest of Mishima's Sea tetralogy, but redo the film version of the first book.
Anthem by Ayn Rand
"Jeffty is Five" and "'Repent, Harlequin!' Said the Ticktockman" by Harlan Ellison
"Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut
"Word Processor of the Gods" by Stephen King
The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
Ring Shout by P. Djèlí Clark
The Crime and The Glory of Commander Suzdal by Cordwainer Smith :)
This is a good question. Johnny Mnemonic came out of a short story, and it's definitive.
The Diamond Lens by Fitz James O'Brien would be a good one if it had a 60s Corman type of approach. That would have been a great one for Vincent Price

The Damned Thing by Ambrose Bierce -- I think it could be expanded so as town intrigue and suspicions of a human murderer on the loose is intertwined with the sci-fi element. The trick is to make it so the last line of the story still carries the weight. I think more irony could be squeezed out of it.
Sing a Song of Lost Valdese by Karl Edward Wagner
I'd love to see some of Alistair Reynolds's Revalation Space short stories get made into an anthology. Griffenwalders Bestiary, Diamond Dogs and The Nightingale come immediately to mind.

Adrian Tchaikovsky has written a few good short stories. Ogres was my favourite, but Elder Race would make a great film, i think.
I would suggest Arthur C Clarkes The Sentinel but I've been beaten to that one ;)
It is probably the best example of what a good short story can carry with care and feeding.
Note also that it was written as a BBC competition entry but failed to place. So don't despair, all you writing challenge entrants.

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