Science Fiction Movie Marathons


Swamp Critter
Jan 12, 2021
Beautiful Cleveland, Ohio
I have attended many over the years. Specifically the annual events in Cleveland, Columbus and Boston. They each run for 24 hours or more.
They each tend to show a mix of oldies - some deliberate stinkers - and more recent films. Occasionally there is a theme - such as time travel or aliens pretending to be human.
Between the three showcases I've attended more than 50.
The weekend of Jan. 20th I will be attending the Case Western Reserve marathon
It's an acquired taste that I engage in as much to see old friends as the movies, most of which are familiar.
I have however, bumped into more than one gem shown in the wee hours.
Here's the upcoming lineup. Pretty humdrum this year.
Zeta One (1969, R, TBA)
Surprise 1 (????, PG, ???)
Get Smart (2008, PG-13, 35mm)
Lightyear (2022, PG, DCP)
Way back in 1975, I was going to college at the University of Southern California, and I was able to attend part of their fifty-hour science fiction movie marathon.

In 1981, I was still in college, and attended part of their fifty-hour horror movie marathon. I don't have as much information about that one from Wikipedia. If memory serves, it had classics like Psycho, The Haunting, and many others I don't recall. I think I fell asleep during Eyes Without a Face.

In neither case did I get to stay the whole time, since I had classes to attend. I can't go without sleep that long anyway. I remember people showing up with pillows and pizzas to try to make it through.
