A.I. (general thread for any AI-related topics)

Here’s a discussion on the subject

And, before I drop the subject and move on, here’s a variation

You have to be specific when asking about a written word strawberry. When pronounced it only has two r but written it has three r. Because English language likes to be awkward that way. Binary language doesn't mess about like that.
Can we assume that the AI is completely unaware of the month, Vigintiber...?
It's not strange at all. Until they discover otherwise, people have a tendency to believe that something does what it says on the box.

The problem is that too many creators and/or marketers of new things seem addicted to (often grossly) over-promising and mislabeling. They are to blame for calling something intelligent** when it is not intelligent at all.

One cannot blame the person in the street for noticing the promise in the name is not being met... or, alternatively, for sometimes believing the often nonsense output of so-called AIs.

** - Calling it artificial intelligence is not really a clue to its lack of intelligence.

This is true. It is neither 'intelligent' nor 'stupid', as it lacks the functionality to qualify for either status.
AI will teach us (again) the garbage in = garbage out truism... also the you are what you eat one. Base AI on information from people who think they're smarter then they actually are and you will get similar intelligence just 'artificial'. The truly wise have some grasp of what they don't, and also can't, know! Is AI ever allowed to say it doesn't know?
Exciting times for folk with mobility issues. I think things like this might help immensely (as well as helping hikers).
Yes they've had ones for some time to assist with skiing (called SkiMojo) but no intelligence; just a spring assist to your knee flexing. This however is meant to learn how you move and anticipate how you will next move. fascinating stuff. But not cheap :oops:

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