Fungi are already cleaning up the soil, which is almost anything laying around, that's their job. People are always looking for a free way of cleaning up something that cost money to clean up. Ideally, the clean up should come from the profit, including clawback, but then there would be no profit, so that's never going to work.
There has been a lot of interest in harnessing bacteria to clean up polluted ground. Bacteria has been found outside of recycling locations that are naturally eating the plastic in the ground. People would like to to modify the bacteria to eat plastic faster, light speed would be nice. But once out in the wild, which will happen, the question is, how will the bacteria know which plastic is no longer wanted and which plastic isn't ready to be eaten yet?
The bacteria freely share the tools, no patents, no copyrights, its all free to use, but they don't share the resources. They share the genes that make their living more successful with each other, even ones not related to them. They have a very sophisticated protocol system that makes our internet system look like play school. They use go betweens to facilitate the transfer of genes between bacteria that can't directly transfer genetic information between each other. If bacteria can add plastic to their dinner table, they could cover a lot more territory to their operations as plastic has no territory restrictions unlike natural food sources.