The main character is in the military, I think, and is asked by his CO to transfer to a project on the Suffolk (UK) coast run by the CO's friend, after someone else dropped out (went mad?). It turns out the project, which only has a few people, has developed a machine that can do something weird, maybe talk to the dead. A local civilian who is a woman with children is involved. (Possibly one of her children died and is being recontacted?) The narrator I think ends up shutting the machine down because something horrible happens.
Vague memory of the language style suggests this was written and set in the 50s-60s. There isn't much plot, so it might have been a shorter work than a novel, even though I don't tend to read those. Nothing in my Goodreads list matches, except something in my brain wanted it to be The Philosopher's Stone by Colin Wilson, and even though it's not the main plot I wondered if it was an experience related by one of the characters. But I've checked the book again and it's not.
Any ideas?
Vague memory of the language style suggests this was written and set in the 50s-60s. There isn't much plot, so it might have been a shorter work than a novel, even though I don't tend to read those. Nothing in my Goodreads list matches, except something in my brain wanted it to be The Philosopher's Stone by Colin Wilson, and even though it's not the main plot I wondered if it was an experience related by one of the characters. But I've checked the book again and it's not.
Any ideas?