I'm a big Scrivener user and you can do much more with it than just using it as a word processor. You can keep all your notes in one, organized spot, upload pictures, and design your own world-building templates. I created an entire novel template with an organized Scrivener binder, so every time I start a new project, all my front matter, manuscript settings, and research. worldbuilding folders are preloaded.
I've created my own templates for scenes, different elements of worldbuilding, and outlining. All I have to do is create a new document with one of those templates in my Scrivener binder and then fill in the details. This allows me to develop countries, characters, magic systems, races, plants, creatures, religions, and anything else I need to world-build in a few easy steps. Then it helps me keep it all organized.
I do a lot of sketching for my projects as well, so I can scan them and upload the pictures into Scrivener so they are right at my fingertips with the rest of my world-building materials.
Scrivener might not be a "world-building" or "story development" software but it has some great features that help keep everything organized and all in one place. It is also nice because if you are writing a series or other projects in that same world setting, you can transfer your world-building materials and notes from one project to another without recreating them all or doing a bunch of copying and pasting - just drag and drop.
If you haven't already, and if you're in the market for a writing program that can help with worldbuilding, outlining, and organization, you might want to give the Scrivener trial a try and work through the tutorial. You'll get a glimpse at all the features and what it can be used for. It even has a corkboard feature that really helps with organization and outlining.
That being said, I have tried some free world-building apps on my phone before. They were adequate but seemed geared toward D&D and other tabletop RPGs. Maybe that works for some writers, but it wasn't the angle I was going for.