How do you find new fantasy series to read?


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2009
How do you find new fantasy series to read? How do you know which new authors to try? Is there any fantasy review sites you use?
I'll take recommendations from people online and proline . And sometime on whim, I pick up a book and will read the first few pages . If I like it I'll we'll enough , I'll buy the book and the second book in the series to serif it hold up.

As for sites , one place you might want to take a look at is Locus Online Magazine for science fiction and fantasy .

If Your looking of good fantasy series to check out, might I suggest
The Darwaith Trilogy by Barbara Hambly ?
1.The Time of the Dark
2. The Walls of Air
3. The Armies of Daylight
Start with any lengthy list of them, such as this for example

Then search Chrons to see what people say about each one.

After doing all that, and drawing up a shortlist, any spoilers accidentally happened upon will’ve been forgotten (as anyone who has re-read all the Agatha Christie books can tell you, the whodunnits and plot twists etc usually get mixed up with each other anyway)
Recommendations here or at Goodreads or on Amazon attract my attention, and if a book sounds tempting enough I'll download a sample.

Reading a substantial sample is the best way I know of to determine whether the book is really what I am looking for, since recommendations by themselves, even from people whose opinions I respect, are not as reliable. The same goes for reviews and ratings. Even when there is some similarity in interests and tastes, opinions of any given book may differ so greatly. Plus, since the sample is free, I can take a chance on books that I might otherwise have passed by.

I'll also try a lot of books on KU. (This takes the place of browsing the "New Books" shelves at the public library, which I used to do every couple of weeks, and take home an armload of books, back when printed matter was not so hard on my eyes. Thank goodness for adjustable font sizes in ebooks.)
I have had a good deal of success with invoking the powers of fire and air and demanding they give me the latest buzz.
You can always just google "best fantasy series" or "best new fantasy books" like I do from time to time. Just remember that because other people like them doesn't mean you will. Some of the highest rankings at Goodreads for fantasy books turned out to be duds when I got into them. Most frequently what I have not liked is the injection of modern slang and ideas that are out of place. Now and then you can find original stuff. Think Tad Williams!
Reading around this place, notably the monthly "what am I reading now" threads is a good source.
I also like the blog, social media generally and Goodreads.

The other major way I discover new books & authors is using my local public library's phone app "Libby". I can browse books there and search for books that are immediately available as ebook or audiobook, or books that are new or upcoming, or just random search.
The other major way I discover new books & authors is using my local public library's phone app "Libby". .
A grand perk of being a Yank, Libby is a booklover's dream. I'd have had a much more terrible time making it through the plague without dear Libby providing access to five major library systems.
Watching the trailer of a new movie or series, then running against the clock to read the book its based on :p
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And be aware that some might take over your entire life

Here are some word counts (possibly out of date now)

I usually just go to the library. Most review sites and show the most popular series that I have either read or not interested in reading. So I just go through library looking at random books until I find something and that way I can find many amazing series noone's even heard of
How do you find new fantasy series to read? How do you know which new authors to try? Is there any fantasy review sites you use?
Hey! I usually find new fantasy series through online recs, Goodreads, and just browsing through bookstores. I also check out review sites like Locus Online and Sometimes I'll take a chance on a new author if the blurb sounds cool or if a friend recommends them. And yeah, I love scrolling through "what are you reading now" threads online for more ideas!
The first thing I look for is the author's name. If I have already read books by that author and liked them, and he or she has started a new series, I will read them.
Also, recommendations from my friends mean a lot to me. They know me and my tastes, so I can rely on their recommendations.
But sometimes, like Baylor, I use the whim method. Sometimes I find real masterpieces that way.

If Your looking of good fantasy series to check out, might I suggest
The Darwaith Trilogy by Barbara Hambly ?
1.The Time of the Dark
2. The Walls of Air
3. The Armies of Daylight
She is a really good writer. Her Winterlands and Sun Wolf and Starhawk series are also quite good.

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