Sarah Ash


Jun 3, 2004
Has anyone read any of the book in the The Tears of Artamon series?

What did you think of them :D
Good question!

Unfortunately I'm yet to read these but have had my eye on them for a little while. I'm sure someone's here has read them....:confused:

Actually adding to this thread (hope that's OK Rune...:eek:) has anyone read anything by Sarah Ash because I haven't and would be interested in people's opionions of this author and her work like Moths To A flame, Songspinners and The Lost Child i.e what are these about, are they any good??????
I've actually read book 1 and 2 of the Tears of Artamon series and wondered what everyone else thought of them :D
Recently finished the 3rd book in her series. Not sure what I thought, was a little disappointed in the amount of different storylines though :(
I was going to read them, then realised that it's a 1st person vp and that sort of put me off. Even though I love the Farseer stuff.
I ended up getting Sean Russell's The One Kingdom instead, which I've yet to read.
Maybe I'll pick up one of Sarah Ash's from the library instead of buying it.

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