Having launched 0 books, i'll do a lot of heavy quoting and cribbing.
If you're interested in publishing and not listening to Publishing Rodeo, do yourself a favor and get on that. (
Publishing Rodeo Podcast) Doesn't matter if it's trad or self, it's worthwhile and they've had everyone from Michael J Sullivan to Kameron Hurley on. Really good listen.
For costs purposes, let's say the book is 150,000 words and he plans to print 100k copies.
Editing, copy-editing and the rest will run high -- .3-.4/ word, all in. That's a serious number at a Sanderson level
except that he has full time, in-house editors on his staff. How that aligns, i have no clue.
One time cost. $60k at the high end for a 150k book
Adds $1.6 per unit cost
Ebook cost is negligible outside of readying a book for physical publication (formats are largely duplicative). One time cost. Custom formatting and QC, $5,000
Adds $0.50 per unit cost
Audiobook can be $500-$2000/hr for the narrator (RC Bray, Ray Porter, etc, are going to be on the high end) (Per, Publishing Rodeo, the success of Craig Alanson's Expeditionary Force books let RC Bray triple his /hour cost). Assumes 9300 words/hour, so 16 hours for a 150,000 word book = $8k - $32k. One time cost.
Adds various amount to launch and I don't see easy data on his reader format breakouts.
Marketing -- Black hole! ARC's and other items are helpful for less well known authors. For someone of Sanderson's level... ??
Physical cost of publishing & Shipping
Per the two major articles on Sanderson, he has an entire crew working for him and they're shipping items, but printing is variable and commodity price driven (what's the price of paper?) If we estimate 300 words/page, that's a 500 page book. Going for the high end of costs, I'm using GateKeeperPress.com rates for 100k printings, and find the cost is .039/page or about $20/unit for a hardcover printing, and $22/unit after shipping.
Total per unit cost
Editing: 1.6
ebook: .50
Physical: 22
Total: $24.1/unit
exclusive of marketing and audio format.
Cost for 100,000 physical copies at launch: $240,000
The physical publishing and shipping costs are ~90% of the total costs (anyone looking at Trad Publishing and wondering why word count is such a big deal, here you go). To be clear, i think these costs are very high for someone of Sanderson's level--he's not publishing 100k copies and having an in-house editor and publishing multiple books a year means he can spread the cost of a salary out across multiple projects. But also, it means he's launching with 100k copies! That feels like a problem ("problem") he shares with Scalzi, Stephen King and a few other authors!
On the negative side, in house, full time employees means he has hard costs and there's overhead whether the book sells or not.
TLDR: i get where he came up with the 250k price tag for a launch.