It's back! Sekrit Santa 20.

So long as nobody confuses that anxiousness (anxiety?) for ability or acumen.

I'm just glad I have something specific to think about now as I stare at that blank word document.
Don't stare at it. Sit with your back to it and quickly glance at regular intervals. That will draw out your subconscious and give you a stiff neck at the same time.
This reminds me, I have a blank page to stare at . . .
Good stuff, for some reason I thought it was for the holidays ...less than 3 weeks to go -time to put Nancy Goodaim up on blocks*
*not a euphemism
Think/ hope I have till next Tue. Have the idea and some of it written but need to finish and edit. Got sidetracked with more Nancy G, pressure is on now (y)
I just finished writing my draft tonight! I’ve been scrounging for any moment I could get to write it, what with Christmas duties and animal tending and husband tending and so on. Edits tomorrow and hopefully I can get it in by Monday, at the least.
How's everyone getting on with their stories? And @Phyrebrat is there a deadline?
I'm typing away. Forgot a key part of the brief that resulted in a bit of a rewrite. The positive? It gave me more story opportunities. The negative? It gave me more story opportunities. Time to tie it all up like a 4 year old practicing with their first lace up shoes.
How's everyone getting on with their stories? And @Phyrebrat is there a deadline?

Well, I submitted mine on 7th December, but resubmitted it about two minutes ago. Writer’s remorse. And that’s after waiting a couple of days before submitting the first time!

I am retired, and lazy, so writing is my excuse for not doing any housework.
I'm typing away. Forgot a key part of the brief that resulted in a bit of a rewrite. The positive? It gave me more story opportunities. The negative? It gave me more story opportunities. Time to tie it all up like a 4 year old practicing with their first lace up shoes.
That sounded like genuine fun to me!
Moy moy!

Hello all -- two things.

1) I've had a few in. Do you all want me to send them out or wait till they;re all in?

2) I'd spoken with Vicky who was going to write her reviews but it occurs to me she won't have anyone to review hers. I was planning on doing it myself, but I've over-commited and not sure I'll have time to even read all these. I'll send @Victoria Silverwolf entry to someone who will do this, but you have to promise not to spoil at the guessing stage.

Actually, three things...

Regarding deadline, I think that's more a concern for the writers and readers than me; would you all like a firm day set? We've done it in the past but it never realy sticks; the SS is a much bigger commitment than the usual challenges so we normally let this slide, but let me know and I'll set a firm date. The idea was people would have them for a cool Yule, so I could say, 22nd Dec?
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