The 100 Word Anonymous Challenge Roll of Honour - the Stories


"Philosophy will clip an angel's wings."
Aug 27, 2019
The Netherlands
Roll of Honour

The 100 Word Anonymous Challenge
the winning Stories

This thread is dedicated to the stories that won the 100 Word Anonymous Challenge.

For all other relevant data concerning this Challenge go see this thread.
Please do not clutter this thread with your comments.
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Year: 2014 Period: Aug/Sep Theme: That Old Chestnut Genre: SF/Fantasy or Speculative Won by: @Zoe Mackay

The Lost Portal

“What’s the use of knowing about a magical world if you forget where the entrance is hidden?”

Michael looked incongruous, his shiny armour reflecting the illuminated “Greggs The Baker” sign in a way that only the very charitable would describe as “eldritch”. I hardly looked any less odd with my wizarding robes and my sacred staff, which was absolutely not a wand.

“I think we should have another go. We can pretend we’re live role-players.”

Minutes later, we were walking through Cannon Hill Park counting trees. “Twenty-three… twenty-four… that’s it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, it’s definitely that old chestnut.”
Year: 2014 Period: Nov Theme: The Last of its Kind Genre: SF/Fantasy Won by: @Zoe Mackay

The Death Of Legends

She found him out the back of the bowling alley, smoking a furtive cigarette and wearing a lumpy trench coat that looked and smelled like he’d been rolling in sewage.

“Aren’t you…?”

He looked at her wearily, cigarette poised between two claws. “Yeah. Would you prefer to be captured or to run screaming?”


“I’m assuming you’re a princess. It’s a compliment.”

“I’m seven.”

“Royalty begins at birth.”

She frowned. “What are you doing here?”

He glanced at the cigarette.

“Weren’t you all killed by knights?”

He sighed. “No. Lung cancer.”

She backed away slowly, thinking it might be contagious.
Year: 2014 Period: Dec Genre: Any Speculative Won by: @Hex
Theme: "The words of Mercury are harsh after the songs of Apollo. You that way: we this way."

The Play's The Thing

Her hands, small, hot, press against my face. They burn and I burn with them and I love.

"Don’t leave me-" I make the playwright's words my own.

Tears in her eyes. "You know I must."

My whole self melts into her kiss.





I blink at lights hotter even than her hands. She smiles, curtseys to the crowd.


My lips shape her name.

"Bow," she hisses from the side of her mouth, "you stupid machine."

"Please," I whisper as the curtain falls. "Don't--"

Her fingers stroke the panel on my chest; my world tumbles into night.
Year: 2015 Period: Feb Theme: The Cloud Genre: Any Speculative Won by: @mosaix

Done By The Book

Barney should never have bought the second-hand book shop. All he did was read. He slipped his book under the counter as a customer approached.

“You got ‘The Cloud’ by Amrit Sengal?”

“The mind reader’s Bible?”

“That’s the one.”

“You read it?”

“No. Have you a copy?”

“Maybe I could get one. What’s it worth?”

“Well say… ten dollars?”

“More like a thousand.”


“Come on. That’s a rare book.”

“Okay. Fifty dollars. My last offer!”

“Five hundred.”

“Two-fifty. That’s all I have.”

“I know,” said Barney, retrieving his copy of ‘The Cloud’ from under the counter.
Year: 2015 Period: Mar Theme: Family Genre: Horror Won by: crystal haven


Rosie didn’t drown the way I expected. No flailing arms and gasps for breath. Perhaps I’d held her under the water too long. I’d not got the information I needed.

“Write a story about drowning,” Mrs Bled had said, in English Class. “Let me know how it feels. Make me believe!”

Rosie sank like a stone, taken by the dark, filthy water of the local pond. It didn’t make me feel anything. Just annoyance it hadn’t gone to plan.

I only had one choice. My little sister enjoyed a walk. I’d bring her here – straight after dinner.
Year: 2015 Period: May Theme: Reflection Genre: SF/Fantasy Won by: @mosaix

One Last Kiss…

It’s 8:45. Jane is doing what she’s done for most of the previous five years – watching the mirror. Watching the boys. Watching Jack. And watching herself, of course.

Who’d have thought it? That something Jack had bought as a joke would have come to mean so much in her life – at least until 8:47.

“Slow Mirrors!” the advertisements had read, “See Yourself Again in Five Years Time!”

It’s 8:46. She can see the clock above their heads. Jack puts on the boy’s coats, kisses her goodbye and opens the door.

“Stop them!” she shouts. But she waves them off anyway.Homework
Year: 2015 Period: June Theme: Conviction Genre: SF/Fantasy or Speculative Joined winner #1: @mosaix

Judge, Jury and Executioner...

“How say you?”
“And you?”
“There! The worst crime possible out here in the asteroid belt and all twelve agree – guilty.”
“Shut up!”
“Don't I get a say? In the interests of justice?”
“Okay. But it'll make no difference, I know you did it. Make it quick. The sooner we get this over with...”
“You're really going to execute me? Over some missing rations – that I know nothing about! Isn't that a bit extreme? A bit paranoid?”
“If you didn't steal them – who did?”
“Perhaps... one of the others?”
“What others? There is only you and...”

Year: 2015 Period: June Theme: Conviction Genre: SF/Fantasy or Speculative Joined winner #2: Cascade

Just a Taste

Every death has a flavour.

The teen prostitute crumpled beneath my blows, and I could taste saffron as it slipped across my tongue. Her baby, mint and cream.

The copper, wrong place, wrong time, shot in the back. A rush of chicory and bitter almonds.

It was always going come to this.

They put the noose around my neck and I open my mouth to savour the last delicious sensation of my own existence.

2nd place in Tie-breaker

Year: 2015 Period: June Theme: Conviction Genre: SF/Fantasy or Speculative Runner-up: @Perpetual Man

The Ballad of Parsimone

Of Parsimone in his organic cell,
It is said a life of living hell,
Guilty found by jury all,
From freedoms grace to ignominious fall.
For all the crimes of which accused,
Denied them all – justice abused?
To serve his time became his mission,
In the face of grim conviction.
Taken from this place,
To the void of deepest space,
Into a blister of pock-marked skin
Perfect prison for those of sin,
Through solar tides and galactic storms,
Ensnared with its whale like form,
Left to rot - freedom he cannot see,
By imaginations light his heart soars free.
Year: 2015 Period: Aug Theme: Dilemma Genre: Children's Fantasy Won by: @Ashleyne

Ian the iPhone

Ian was the best iPhone ever.

Mum shouted down him sometimes. When she tossed him onto the sofa, he pulled faces, making me giggle.

He'd float by my bed and tell stories of princesses, goblins and heroic robots.

One day, Mum chucked him away. I told her he was alive; she said “Don't talk stupid. If you go in that bin, woe betide.”

I knew I'd get in trouble, but I rescued him.

I took him to a charity shop and posted him through the letterbox.

He's still out there, making other children laugh.

“Miss you forever, Ian.”

Tie-breaker runner-ups 1 to 6

Year: 2015 Period: Aug Theme: Dilemma Genre: Children's Fantasy Runner-up #1: @Vaz

Tooth Or Dare?

Varen scrambled through the thick hedges. The trees had been broken and gnarled by the impact. Night was creeping into the forest; a slit of a stream drank in the suns remaining light.

The dragon was curled into a ball like a bundle of snakes. Its breathing was heavy. Tiny dark flowers of blood blossomed from the tear in its chest.

The boy approached slowly. He was sweating; when he met the beasts’ gentle green eyes his raised spear trembled.

What would the other boys say? What would the chief think?

Varen closed his eyes.

The spear flashed.

Wings unfurled.

Year: 2015 Period: Aug Theme: Dilemma Genre: Children's Fantasy Runner-up #2: @willwallace

Bus Ride

“Where to go today?” Matilda whispered as she lay in bed.

“Hmm, yesterday I played with the faerie king by the ring of firestones. Day before, the unicorn took me on the most wondrous ride to the cloud city.”

Jumping up, she began dressing quickly.

“I know! That silly rabbit promised me a trip to wonderland! That’s where I’ll go.”

Just then her mother called. “Matilda, time for school!”

“And no sleeping on the bus,” she added.

Frowning, Matilda headed downstairs.

“Mommy, it’s not sleeping, it’s adventuring!” she cried.

But she knew, once you grew up, it was just sleeping.

Year: 2015 Period: Aug Theme: Dilemma Genre: Children's Fantasy Runner-up #3: @johnnyjet

Horns Can Be Fun

One morning Sammy woke up with horns on his head. At first he was upset. Then he thought they were cool.

At breakfast, his Mom didn't give him a second look. Sammy always had a little devil in him, so the horns didn't seem out of place.

His little sister screamed and ran away when she saw him. He realized horns can be fun!

Sammy became popular at school. Bullies respected him, teachers never bothered him, and everyone wanted to be his friend.

The next morning his little sister woke up with a halo. Now he was in trouble!

Year: 2015 Period: Aug Theme: Dilemma Genre: Children's Fantasy Runner-up #4: @ratsy

Family First

Annabelle always wanted to be a princess.

The man in the mirror was elderly; hidden behind a cloak. He swore she would be happy ruling over her own kingdom.

Her suspicion arose when his voice lowered and he hissed for her to hurry. The Throne will be taken by another, he claimed; fire burned around him.

That day her sister broke Annabelle’s hairbrush. Annabelle was so angry. The cowl covered man begged her to enter the mirror, but she knew better.

She called her sister to the room and asked her if she wanted to be a princess.

Year: 2015 Period: Aug Theme: Dilemma Genre: Children's Fantasy Runner-up #5: @Victoria Silverwolf

Monster Girls

Lisa and Susan sat entranced in front of the television. They had to turn the volume down so it wouldn’t disturb Lisa’s parents. Lisa had permission to stay up Saturday night as long as she finished her homework.

They loved the Vampira show. Some of the movies were boring, but the hostess was funny and beautiful. Lisa's mother thought she was too scary, but her father thought she was sexy.

Susan looked a lot like Vampira. She had the same white skin and long black dress. Lisa's only problem was trying to figure out why nobody else could see her.

Year: 2015 Period: Aug Theme: Dilemma Genre: Children's Fantasy Runner-up #6: @Droflet


I hate cats.

Me too.
I’ve had it with that smug fur ball next door.

“You can’t. Remember, daddy said, kill one more cat and he’ll send you away to the country.”
Don’t care. Snowball’s got to go.

“Don’t do it. Please don’t. You’re my only friend.”

It was then that Timmy made his first grown up decision.


“Hey Joe.”

“Hey hank. What’s up neighbor?”

“The cat’s gone missing.”

“Well, that’s cats for you.”

Timmy patted Rover as they listened in.

“You’re a good boy, aren’t you?”
No, Timmy, you’re a good boy. Rover winked. A very good boy
Year: 2015 Period: Sep Theme: Obsession Genre: SF Won by: @ratsy

Walk to the Park

“Daddy, will you go to the park with me?”

“Of course, son.” He paused and looked at the boy. He almost looked exactly like his memory of him.

“Why are you crying, Daddy?”

He wiped his tears. “I just love you so much.”

They hugged; the boy’s grip was so close to what his son’s had felt like.

“It’s okay Daddy. I love you too.” They held hands and walked down the street.

Buzzzzzz. - Captain, you’re needed on the bridge. They’re here.

He squeezed the boy’s hand lovingly and ended the program, knowing he would be back later.

Tie-breaker runner-up

Year: 2015 Period: Sep Theme: Obsession Genre: SF Runner-up: @johnnyjet

A Vacant Chair Beside the Hearth

Anna watched him reading a newspaper at the kitchen table with a cup of steaming coffee. She loved how his face contorted into different expressions from one story to the next. She continued watching him as she cleaned house.

Later her neighbor Kathy brought her a casserole.

Anna thanked her, inviting her for tea.

"Isn't my husband handsome?" she said, watching him relax with a book on a chair by the fireplace.

Kathy nodded and smiled.

"I'm glad I spent the insurance money on a remembrance hologram instead of a funeral. Don't you agree?"

Kathy nodded and quietly left.
Year: 2015 Period: Dec Theme: Return Genre: SF/Fantasy Won by: @Zoe Mackay

A Soldier’s Homecoming

There are ghosts in these ruins.

I walk the streets, trailing my fingers over burned brickwork. I remember names and faces: the child who played just here, the shop that stood there.

The ash sticks to my glove, like my sins to my past. No scrubbing will clean it away.

I see the troopers vomited from transport ships, energy blasts from their guns incinerating those who stand and those who flee. A whole city, obliterated for its rebellious defiance.

The wreckage has a gaunt beauty, though. And a message.

Even my own hometown, my own family, cannot stand against me.
Year: 2016 Period: Feb Theme: Lost Genre: Urban Fantasy Won by: @ratsy

Reality Shift

Hair plastered to her face in the unforgiving storm. Her heart pounded as she ran down the cobblestone street. The reality-shifter was closing in on her, but she wouldn’t let it catch her this time. What’s done was done, and there was no bringing her boy back. Not even if it felt real.

She turned the corner, seeing her sister down the alley reaching to pull her over the fence.

Footprints behind her. Closer. A touch on the back.


‘Mommy, why are you crying?’

Her hand touched his face. ‘Because none of this is real.’

Runners-up # 1 - 3

Year: 2016 Period: Feb Theme: Lost Genre: Urban Fantasy Runner-up #1: @Victoria Silverwolf

Finder's Fee

The missing girl was the only child of wealthy parents, her boyfriend a registered lycanthrope, controlled by silver injections. The cops couldn’t hold him, so the family had me tail him.

I followed him into a church without crosses, where the Cursed could worship. No wonder Mom and Dad hadn't located her. They were Normals, and wouldn’t be found dead here, pardon the expression. I found the girl in a tiny room in the back. She had eloped with the boy. I made her promise to contact her folks and went to collect my usual fee. One pint, Type A.

Year: 2016 Period: Feb Theme: Lost Genre: Urban Fantasy Runner-up #2: @crystal haven


Damn. My shoe.

It clattered against the roof tiles and dropped at a little girl’s feet.

“Look, Mummy. An angel,” she said.

No. Not an angel. A thief. I scrambled along the roof valley, out of sight.

An angel hovered, blocking my path. “Ready to change?” she said. “Or are you aiming for hell?”

Startled, I took a step back, losing my footing. Hanging onto the guttering I dangled in the air.

“There’s another one,” the little girl said. “But it hasn’t grown any wings yet.”

“Heaven!” I squeaked. “What do I have to do? And make it quick!”

Year: 2016 Period: Feb Theme: Lost Genre: Urban Fantasy Runner-up #3: @StilLearning

Interview under caution:

I peered over my deflated airbag and crumpled bonnet at the city wall which had materialised in the road. Stonework curved away as far as I could see, punctuated by magnificent gates. Men wearing tarnished breastplates emerged, shouting.

Odd, I thought dazedly, my acid flashbacks usually involve Big Bird.

I opened the window: “Are you from Sesame Street?”

They rushed away, and returned with an old lady wearing priestly robes: “City … cursed. Wanders… universe. Please…. Map?”

I gave her my GPS and demonstrated. They took it inside… then… they all vanished.

No, I’m not drunk officer. Not yet.
Year: 2016 Period: Mar Theme: Gold Genre: Fantasy Won by: @crystal haven

All that glitters

The river sparkles with solid gold.

Straightening my fedora, I stare across the wide expanse. It is near here, I’m told, a miracle has begun. It will change our lives. Our children will grow without malnutrition. We will have enough food.

I walk along the river’s edge. Will I find the evidence? Is it even true?

I have to believe it’s so! For six years our towns have suffered, ever since the curse was thrown upon the life source. Somewhere, out there, the golden river has turned back into water. And I will find it. I have to.

Year: 2016 Period: Mar Theme: Gold Genre: Fantasy Runner-up: @StilLearning

True value

The gold medal for the hundred meters sprint went to the Dregola the elf, to thunderous cheers. The human, Heimbard, took the silver to polite applause. Then it was my turn: Bronze.

To dead silence.
I held my tears back. Someone shouted: "Not bad for a shortarse goblin!"
"Bigots!" Dregola's voice cracked like a gunshot. “He has but half the stride, and still beat eight others!”
Two shadows fell over me, and their medals landed on my chest with twin thumps. Heimbard and Dregola raised their fists in a wordless salute.
My tears flowed.
Year: 2016 Period: May Theme: Fortuitous Genre: SF / Fantasy Won by: @Wruter

Lady L

Thirty-seven to one.

Those are the odds Eddie has to beat if he doesn't want to go home and tell his wife and children that he's gambled away everything they own.

He stands before the roulette table, clutching his last chip in his sweating hand, watching the wheel's hypnotic spin.

He looks up and meets the gaze of a woman standing on the other side of the table. She smiles at him and places a chip.

On a whim Eddie places his own chip on top of hers.

The wheel spins.

When he looks up, redeemed, she is gone.
Year: 2016 Period: June Theme: Youth Genre: SF / Fantasy Won by: @mosaix

A Text Message From The Future

Okay, first the boring stuff that you'll ignore (believe me – I know). The haircut – change it. The spots – don't worry, they'll go. The green shirt – bin it. The tattoo – don't. Driving – slow down a bit. Smoking – stop. Your parents – write once in a while. The job interview – be punctual and smarten up.

Now the important stuff. Your girlfriend – make up. She's the best thing that will ever happen to you. And finally – August 14th 2027 11:13am. Please don't let go of your daughter's hand. Don't get distracted – like I did.
Year: 2016 Period: Aug Theme: Prison Genre: SF / Fantasy Won by: @Droflet


When the loneliness threatens to crush what is left of my pathetic soul, I seek out solace. They’re all the same. None have her eyes, her smile that makes me giddy or her good heart.

A sad, desperately lonely year since she passed. Each day since I reach for the pistol. Each day I prove my cowardice.

One day she laughed and said, “I’ll ruin you for other women.”

It was funny at the time.
Year: 2016 Period: Sep Theme: Mistakes Genre: Humour / Open Genre Won by: @Cat's Cradle

Conclusion of Jayne Krakov's Newscast: To Interview a Superhero

“Any regrets, Captain?”
“Look, we tried to help humanity. My Enhanco Ray wasn’t perfect. Instead of amplifying our inherent abilities – strength, intelligence, agility – it supercharged the individual’s prevailing dominant health characteristic—”
“With often appalling results. Watch this clip…”


“That was?”
“Phlegm...phlegming criminals.”
“Repulsive. What of national security concerns? You’ve one foreign teammate, the Norwegian superhero.”
“Sadly, Fjart passed while battling the traitorous Halitosis.”
“Condolences. But there's happier news – I hear you’re marrying?”
“I’m blushing! Yes, Blush and I are engaged.”
“Captain Incontinence – leader of The Unfortunates – thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Jayne. Uh...sorry about the couch.”

Runners-up #1 - 2

Year: 2016 Period: Sep Theme: Mistakes Genre: Humour / Open Genre Runner-up #1: @Victoria Silverwolf


Night’s sable cloak is thrown o’er heaven’s glory;
My sister, have you come with news or story?

Fear not, my brother; yea, e’en more than brother,
Twins being, by nature’s whim, each other’s other.

Speak, then, my mirror, swift as airy spirit!
If word has come of Psillia, let me hear it!

To that fair maiden did I go, as bid,
Within a young lad’s guise, slyly hid,
To hunt, as hawk does sparrow,
And bring the truth to thee. Faithful arrow
Have I been, her affections to uncover.
Alas! She thinks me now her lover!

Year: 2016 Period: Sep Theme: Mistakes Genre: Humour / Open Genre Runner-up #2: @Cory Swanson

Hell is spelt D-M-V

First, they got my hair color wrong. When I waited in the hour-long line a second time to get my license fixed, they misspelled my name and listed my date of birth in the wrong month.

On the third try, they got my species wrong. I didn't even know that was possible. I didn't even know that dogs could drive cars.

On my fourth try, I was given a recipe book. On the fifth, I received nothing but a firm handshake.

I asked the clerk if he thought this was funny.

"No, ma'am. There's absolutely nothing funny about mistakes."
Year: 2017 Period: Feb Theme: Love (unrequited or otherwise) Genre: Murder Mystery Won by: @Lex E. Darion

Daddy’s Little Girl

Hector walked into the kitchen and screamed. Congealed blood pooled around the body of his new wife. Not again! The police will never believe I had nothing to do with it this time.

Daisy entered the room.

“Quick,” said Hector. “Get the shower curtain, we need to take her to the lake. The police can’t find her here.”

“Ok, Daddy. Will we be moving again?”

“Yes, baby. I’m so sorry. In your nine years you’ve been through so much. Losing your mum, then Katie and now Carol. I don’t understand what’s happening!”

Daisy turned away and grinned.
Year: 2017 Period: Mar Theme: Fear Genre: Western Won by: @Ashleyne

Greater Good Ghosts

Old Sheriff's hand shakes, rippling the whiskey in his glass.

Sure, he's drunk, but he's also concentrating. Listening. Listening for that first gunshot to drag him into action. He knows it's coming. The fellers that rode into town earlier... Old Sheriff's met so many bad ones to know that those fellers aren't good.


Old Sheriff sighs and picks up his gun. No, he isn't afraid of dying. He's just terrified of having to add new faces to the ones who haunt him. He never forgets the faces of the men he's killed to protect his town.Daddy’s Little Girl
Year: 2017 Period: May Theme: Madness Genre: SF Won by: @Victoria Silverwolf

Transcription of the Patient's Statement

I cannot understand why you think I am insane. I have answered all your questions rationally, submitted to your humiliating tests and procedures, endured confinement without complaint.

Have I not engaged in normal conversation with you? Argued my case with sound reasoning? Never lost control of my emotions? Even made you chuckle at one of my sardonic witticisms?

You must admit that my present state of interment would test the patience of a saint. Yet I have committed no crime, harmed no one.

Why will you not believe me? I should have flesh, not metal. I am not a robot!

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