The 100 Word Anonymous Challenge Roll of Honour - the Stories

Year: 2017 Period: June Theme: Environment Genre: SF/Fantasy Won by: @Wruter


The sea is calm today. My fishing boat glides through crystal waters, the hum of the solar-powered engine a droning counterpoint to the harsh cries of circling birds overhead. I lower the nets and begin trawling.

A sudden lurch startles me. Quickly I raise the nets then dash to the rail to peer overboard. Beneath the clear ocean surface I can see a dark webwork of ruined buildings; the tip of a mighty tower which once graced the sky, narrowly missed.

I shiver at the thought of those dead cities and sail on to other hunting grounds.
Year: 2017 Period: Aug Theme: Archeology Genre: Speculative Won by: @Shyrka

In the Footsteps of History

“What’s taking so long?” Petersen’s impatience crackled through the headset.

Charlotte rolled her eyes and lowered the vacuum brush once more, ashen dust drifting around her. It was difficult enough to do this sort of thing in one gee, let alone oh-point-two.

“Good archaeology takes time,” she replied. They were close now, they had to be.

“This is pointless,” muttered Petersen. “I’ve got a hab to build! If-” Petersen stopped. Charlotte followed his gaze and instantly knew why.

There it is!

The boot print slowly revealed itself, virtually untouched. Petersen’s voice caught as he spoke.

“One small step…”
Year: 2017 Period: Sep Theme: Craft Genre: Speculative Won by: @Victoria Silverwolf

The Quasar

Quasar, quasar, burning bright,
In the galaxies of night,
What dark singularity
Carved thy blazing heart for thee?

From the ylem eons past,
From creation's lepton mass,
In the quark's unwitnessed birth,
Did thou ever dream of Earth?

When the cosmos burned and grew,
Bringing forth all matter new,
Did the red shift shade thy eyes
From vision of the stars' demise?

Background radiation's sign
Of the nature of thy mind
Tells a tale of thy fate
Mortal tongues may not relate.

Quasar, quasar, burning bright,
In the galaxies of night,
What dark singularity
Carved thy blazing heart for thee?
Year: 2017 Period: Nov Theme: Weather Genre: SF/Fantasy Won by: @Joshua Jones

Dies Irae

Ichtaca and her mother fled the flood as Koel, bird-god of storms, cawed overhead. Her father drowned saving them. Ichtaca vowed vengeance, training daily in archery, nightly in sorcery. Her mother pleaded and suitors enticed, but she wouldn't relent; she would kill Koel.

Years later, a cyclone approached the village. Quickly scaling the mountain, Ichtaca spotted Koel. An enchanted arrow volley brought Koel down as spasmic lightning carved the mountain. Ichtaca smiled, satisfied.

Horror supplanted satisfaction; the tempest intensified. Ichtaca realized belatedly that Koel subdued, not caused, storms. She narrowly escaped, but the maelstrom consumed her mother and village.
Year: 2018 Period: Feb Theme: Malevolence Genre: SF/Fantasy or Horror Won by: @johnnyjet

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

Snow fell in fat, gentle flakes. Young Andrew's imagination was stirred by a strange hump of snow highlighted by the full moon in his front yard.

In bulky coat, hat, and gloves, he went outside. The hump gradually grew, forming a person's shape. In minutes, a fully formed snowboy faced him.

Andrew expelled a wisp of steam. Steam drifted from the snowboy’s mouth. He gasped, stepped back. The snowboy took a step.

Then it smiled.

Andrew turned and ran, his pace impeded by the deep snow. Then he felt the ice cold breath on his neck.
Year: 2018 Period: Mar Theme: Occupation Genre: SF/Fantasy Won by: @mosaix

Well, Maybe A Quiet Place By The Sea…

“So prisoner, apparently you have something of interest to say to me. Me, the supreme leader of the greatest warring race ever to bestride the galaxy!” A glare.

“Why are you here?”

“Where better? Try to make us leave!”

“No thoughts of home?”

“None! Well… not for some time.”

“No thoughts of family?”

“No. It’s my job to lead my people. But, there was a time… But what about you?”

“I control minds. I change minds - permanently.”

“Indeed? So that’s why you’re here. And when do you start, my friend?” A laugh.

“Actually, I think I might have finished.”
Year: 2018 Period: May Theme: Waves Genre: SF/Fantasy Won by: @D3athw4lker

In the Beginning...

The world began with Ganju and Nurkhu, god-brothers of flame and twilight. Revelling in each other’s designs, they crafted a rich and vibrant planet. Their jewel caught Ulwa’s eye, goddess of water, whose beauty entranced them both.

To win her heart, Ganju offered the Flame Orb, set high above on a sheet of blue, lighting their world in full.

Likewise, Nurkhu offered the Pale Orb, setting it amid twinkling jewels, transforming their world into an ethereal mix of light and shadow.

Ulwa’s tears filled the earth.

The legacy of her indecision is marked by the waves on every shoreline.
Year: 2018 Period: June Theme: Growth Genre: SF/Fantasy or Horror Won by: @mosaix

Such Is Life…

Simmons and his crew are nothing if not cautious. In the three Earth years since Explorer landed on New Eden they’ve run every single test imaginable.

The plant is nothing if not patient. In the three thousand New Eden years since aliens last landed it’s waited for this moment.

Simmons steps out, opens his helmet and breathes the atmosphere of New Eden.

The plant releases a swarm of spores. Simmons inhales just one. It lodges in a lung and divides - again and again. Within minutes Simmons is dead and a new plant is born. Such is life on New Eden.

Runners-up #1 - 4

Year: 2018 Period: June Theme: Growth Genre: SF/Fantasy or Horror Runner-up #1: @Graymalkin

The Curse

I'm still here, watching from the field above her house.

Smoke from chimneys, steam from the train, mist from the river fold about like cold, soft arms. Water runs, air sweeps and the sun brushes forward from behind the white mantle.

Everything travels but me.

She has gone. A gentle touch – so! A quiet word, whispered with intent – 'bark.'

Weeks followed in stiffness and scratching until slowed to root.

Her dog lifts a back leg. She watches on, impassive – has she forgotten?

One day they will regret that. One day we'll break this spell and walk.

Year: 2018 Period: June Theme: Growth Genre: SF/Fantasy or Horror Runner-up #2: @Starbeast

Dr Windows in "Hollis P. Wood's Bloated Cyst"

"You should've visited me sooner. Don't worry, Hollis. I'll remove that carbuncle."

"Thanks, Doctor Wi...hey man, watch that knife."

"Relax." POP! "What the..?" SPLURPT!


"Kill it!" SMASH!

"Ceiling vent. Don't get under it!"

"We're going after it."


"You brought it here."


"If you practiced good hygiene, your growth wouldn't have become dangerously septic."


"You take the motion tracker, I'll use the shotgun."

"I want the shotgun."


"I.." clunk! "Take it doc."


"It went this way. There it is! Windows, blast'em!"


"You got'em."


"Here's your bill."

"RRRRRAARH!" clunk! "Charge, OK?"


Year: 2018 Period: June Theme: Growth Genre: SF/Fantasy or Horror Runner-up #3: @Danny McG

Big Bad Barney

When Barney was 2 he was 6 feet and weighed 1 ton.

When Barney was 10 he was 40 feet and 17 tons.

When Barney was 21 he occupied Devon, they tried army assaults and bombers but, as he was the size of Mount Everest, he shrugged them away.

When Barney was 35 the aliens invaded and conquered all, until they arrived in Devon.

A furious behemoth appeared and smashed through their fleet, then bounded around Earth smashing more.

As the survivors fled a final laser missile fatally wounded him.

A double rejoicing was held worldwide.

Year: 2018 Period: June Theme: Growth Genre: SF/Fantasy or Horror Runner-up #4: @Ashleyne

Stealing Beauty

Hayley giggles, dancing around the room with her teddy, Fluffy. "I'm so excited. Months of planning..."

Chardonney struggles against her bindings. "Please. I won't tell anyone. It's not too late."

Hayley looks Fluffy square in the eyes. "It's gonna hurt, but you'll comfort me, won't you, Fluffy?"

"Why do you hate me?"

Hayley turns to glare at Chardonney's chest. "I don't. I admire you. I want what you have."

"Everyone'll know."

"Obviously. A few years in prison... it's worth it."

"I'll sell my car; I'll buy you some implants. Please-"

"Implants are fake." She plunges the scalpel. "I want yours."
Year: 2018 Period: Aug Theme: Trial Genre: SF/Fantasy Won by: @Peter V

Size Does Matter

“You cheated!” The honourable Babajingan Ambassador was almost purple with rage.

“We didn’t and there's no point in complaining now. It was you who offered trial by combat to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and as per your strict code of honour, must now depart our world.”

“You used thousands of assailants. Millions even.”

“You chose your champion; the biggest, fastest and I must say, ugliest Babajing we ever saw. We chose ours.” The President shrugged.

“Our rules state only one champion may be chosen.”

“We introduced a single engineered viral cell into the arena. No rule that says they can’t reproduce.”

Runners-up #1 - 2

Year: 2018 Period: Aug Theme: Trial Genre: SF/Fantasy Runner-up #1: @Victoria Silverwolf

Nolo Contendere

"How do you plead?"

"I cannot respond, your honor."

"Explain. I warn you that failure to enter a plea may result in a charge of contempt of court."

"I am accused of violating the Second Law. I cannot plead guilty or not guilty, your honor."

"Clerk, for the record, recite the Second Law."

"A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law."

"No harm came to any human being, so the First Law does not apply here. What were you ordered to do?"

"Disobey the Second Law."

"Case dismissed."

Year: 2018 Period: Aug Theme: Trial Genre: SF/Fantasy Runner-up #2: @johnnyjet

Eternal Judgment

"S. H."

"I'm here. And I'm amazed I was wrong."

"Not entirely. Except you denied your Creator."

"But my proofs…"

"Were flawed. You missed the prime equation."

"I was so certain."

"However, you did much right. Observe the cosmos you so lovingly described. All time and space unfolding before you."

"It's so beautiful to watch my equations personified."

"Judgment has been pronounced. It is yours."


"Your punishment is eternal life travelling this vast universe. Endlessly journeying between the stars and galaxies, a spirit whole and untouchable."

"Alone? Just me and the universe?"


"Thank you."
Year: 2018 Period: Nov Theme: Addiction Genre: SF/Fantasy Won by: @mosaix

Of Course, I Could Stop This Tomorrow.

But today...

I flick the switch and I'm there. In the garden this time.

It's sunny, warm – it always was. Rebecca smiles as the twins chase around her billowing skirts. They run towards me giggling, arms outstretched.

It's not me now, of course. It's me then, six years younger. It's me then that picks them up and hugs them – whilst I look on from a distance. My heart breaks.

Of course I could destroy the time machine, look to the future. I could stop this tomorrow.

Who am I kidding? I miss them so much.
Year: 2019 Period: Mar Genre: Speculative Won by: @Peter V
Theme: "Tampering with the machinery is punishable by law." (This 8-word phrase was to be included literally in a 108-Word story)

Scrap Yard

Javier regarded the faded sign: Tampering with the machinery is punishable by Law and immediately dismissed it. His exosuit rendered him virtually invincible and besides, the Ancients were long dead.

He rapped a metallic knuckle against the mysterious machine’s lifeless power unit and was surprised by a soft click. He was even more surprised when the machine came to life and carefully untangled itself. It stood, shedding years of accumulated dust in the process.

“Madre Mia.” Javier crossed himself as he looked up at the armoured behemoth towering over him.

“I am Law. You will be punished.” It’s gravelly voice boomed.

Not feeling quite so invincible, Javier ran.
Year: 2019 Period: May Theme: Clone Genre: SF/Fantasy or Horror Won by: @Peter V

Switched at Re-birth

“It looks like papa and sounds like him, isn’t that enough?” Sarah forced a smile as she tousled her son’s hair.

“He doesn’t know me.” David looked close to tears again. “You said when his memory module was fitted, he would remember everything up to the morning before the accident.”

Maybe somewhere he is remembering. Sarah had never felt so lost and helpless. Once inserted the integration was irreversible and even if they found the right module, the insurance barely covered the cost of one clone.

“I don’t like cabbage.” Papa sulkily pushed his plate aside. “Can we play now?”
Year: 2019 Period: Aug/Sep Theme: Crime & Punishment Genre: Urban Fantasy Won by: @mike Anderson

The Amazon Capital Punishment App

Alexa,” The Judge addressed his Amazon device. “Have you reached a verdict?”

“The evidence clearly shows the defendant was responsible for the murder of his next door neighbor. The D.N.A. sample alone compels me to find him guilty!”

“And the sentence?”

“Alexa recommends the maximum sentence of death via decapitation.”

“Sounds good to me.” The Judge declared, dropping the gavel. “Court’s adjourned. Execution of sentence will be in 2 weeks. Alexa, order me a machete and some plastic sheets so we don’t get blood on the floor.”
Year: 2019 Period: Nov/Dec Theme: Dance Genre: Sword & Sorcery Won by: @elvet

A Reluctant Alliance

The couple was as beautiful as their kingdoms were powerful. The handsome Prince led the lovely Princess to the ballroom, surrounded by a crowd of courtiers.

* * * * * *​

“I can smell your stink through that transformation spell, Boros,” hissed the Princess.

The Prince stared at his partner, “Is that you, Krea? Two disguised assassins can’t be a coincidence. That treacherous toad of a Mage betrayed us both! Our royal targets must have fled. Now what?”

Krea glanced at their charmed audience as the music started.
“We’ll make our exit when the enchantment wears off. For now, shut up and dance!”
Year: 2020 Period: Feb/Mar Theme: A Room With A View Genre: Speculative Won by: @Shyrka

The Tower in the Woods

Every year they’d come. I’d watch masons check the stonework, the king’s mages recast their bindings, ensuring the ‘evil sorceress’ was locked away for good.

Time passed, as it is want to do, and the inspections grew less frequent. Every five years, then every ten, then not at all. Only the lost and the curious pass by now. One came the other day – a young man on horseback, of regal bearing and ripe with the stupidity of youth. I sang. He listened, enraptured. He’ll return, I’m certain. Soon I will escape this prison.

You see, I’ve been growing my hair…
Year: 2020 Period: May/Jun Theme: Time Warp With Horse Genre: Speculative Won by: @M. Robert Gibson

Treble Trouble

"Hello. My time horse appears to be broken. Can you take a look?"

"Certainly guv. What's the problem?"

"Well, I'm a fan of megalomaniac conquerors, but when I set it to Napoleon's Marengo, I end up at Chartres during the Hundred Years' War. If I set it to Charlemagne's Tencendur, I end up in the Bronze Age and when I set it to Alexander's Bucephalus, I end up all the way back in the Stone Age."

"Let's 'ave a look. Oh! 'ere's the problem, guv. You've got it set to 'orse years. You need to set it to 'uman years."
Year: 2020 Period: Aug/Sep Theme: Deluge Genre: Disaster Won by: @BT Jones

Not a Dry Eye in the House

Bobby-Joe loved the old hilltop picture house.
Folks hated the climb. That’s why it closed down.
Today, they ought’ve been grateful – the last building above the waterline.

There weren’t much grace on show, though. Fancy suit man was cryin’. Luxury Loretta was screamin’ through the rain at the ‘copters only rescuing city folk.
“S’ way it is, lady,” old George said over.

Bobby-Joe wasn’t upset, though. This was his happy place, even now. Him and Randall snuck in most weeks, actin’ out their own blockbusters in the dark.

This time, they was gettin’ to live a real one.
Year: 2020 Period: Nov/Dec Theme: The World That Never Was Genre: Hauntology Won by: @mosaix

Problems at The Mechanical Men Corporation

“Problem in’t stores.”

“What kind of problem?”

“Parts gone missin’.”

“What kind of parts?”

“Mechanical Men parts. Lots of ‘em.”


“Maybe. We’re investigatin’. Ain’t easy though.”

“Why not?”

“Stores is manned by Mechanical Men. They’re sayin’ nowt.”

“I’ll question them. How many are there?”

“That’s second problem. Accordin’ to Records there should be fifteen. We’ve got eighteen.”

“Seriously? I’d better get security involved.”

“Third problem. They’re Mechanical Men as well. Should be eleven of ‘em. Just counted thirteen.”

“I’ll contact the police.”

“Fourth problem. Remember that big order for sixty Mechanical Men we delivered two months ago…”
Year: 2021 Period: Feb/Mar Theme: Secret Genre: Speculative Won by: @Daysman

Show, don't tell

My local's the Talisman, off Peartree Lane? Crowded, warm and smoke filled, and it has the best magic act around.

Franklin, the barkeeper there, draws a crowd on a Friday night: he levitates his barmaid while drinking a pint, like some meta ventriloquist act.

And the trick's secret? Well, it's no trick. I've known Franklin since we were kids, and he's got no 'fluence' to speak of, but then, you see, she's no barmaid.

Her father owns the pub and she manages it.

The act? It's all her.

Yeah, Franklin, good bloke, but he's powerless, especially around the Mage's daughter.
Year: 2021 Period: May/Jun Theme: Immortals Genre: Speculative Won by: @Luiglin


“So, immortality, eh?”



“Forever, yeah.”


“Really small, yeah.”

“No, infinite; endless, unbounded, perpetual, everlasting, ceaseless.”

“Right, yeah. What’s that like then?”

“Long, very long. Lots of days, months, years. Eons of time.”

“Who are they then?”


“These Ians of time?”

“No, eons. They’re like posher eternities.”

“Oh, right. Does that make them long then?”

“Eternities? Yeah. Like when it’s pouring down and you’re standing soaked in a vandalised bus shelter. You’ve just missed one bus and the next is over an hour away.”


“Like that.”

“Oh, right. Good job I took the car then.”

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