Femmes Fae-Tales, out now!


95% tea
Jun 28, 2012
Connecticut, USA
From the team that brought you DISTAFF, a brand new fantasy anthology release: FEMMES FAE-TALES!

Fabulous and feisty
sensuous and sexy
dangerous and daring

Nine original stories
nine powerful characters

An all-women anthology
with females taking the lead roles
in worlds of make-believe and magic​

Femmes Fae-Tales – nine fantasy stories in which females, fae among them, take centre stage as the main characters. Contributors include Amazon best-sellers, a successful writer in the Rainbow Awards, a professional copy writer, a cover designer, and a BSFA shortlisted editor. This anthology has not only been conceived and written by women/non-binary individuals, but has been edited, managed and produced by us and our female friends on SFFChronicles.

The anthology is available on Amazon UK and Amazon US.

Fae Tales website.png
Table of Contents:

Finders Keepers – The Fox and the Fae
by Damaris Browne

Betting Everything by Jo Zebedee

The Frog Prince by E. J. Tett

Full Circle by Susan Boulton

The Whisper in the Woods by Liz Powell

A Fooling Time by Rosie Oliver

As I Wish by Sarah Hovorka

Fae-tal Attraction by Kerry Buchanan

Taste of Honey by Juliana Spink Mills

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Dear Juliana,
Your confidence got my attention but your description is kinda vague. If I may ask, what is your story about?
It's actually an anthology of nine separate stories, all fantasy but all very different, written by nine authors, and with no overriding theme, only that the lead character is female.

For instance, EJ Tett (that's Mouse here on Chrons) has written a fairy tale-like piece set in modern times, while Rosie Oliver (Serendipity) has set hers in a future with AI; Sarah Horvoka (Guanazee) uses an American locale, as does Juliana herself, while Jo Zebedee's is set in Ireland, and mine and Liz Powell's (allmywires) in a kind of medieval-type England, but all of us are showing how dangerous the fae and their powers can be in one way or another; Sue Boulton's feels very historical and deals with magic and memory and sadness, while Kerry Buchanan's is fae-filled and fun all the way.

As I say, all very different, though in her wonderful Introduction for us, Teresa Edgerton thought it was no coincidence that many of the stories share nature themes.
I didn't write a story and I had nothing to do with producing the anthology, so I felt quite honored to be asked to write an introduction. Best of all, it meant that I had the opportunity to read the stories far in advance of publication. All this time, I've felt like I was in a possession of a wonderful secret that the rest of the world didn't know about as yet, because the stories really are enchanting!
This is only being promoted because some people -- who shall remain nameless -- want to steal us away from real life.

How do I know this? Because I've been successfully stolen away.

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