The nation has been mourning the death of film critic Barry Norman. The country’s most recognisable authority on cinema, Norman had the broad taste of a national treasure, as happy to rhapsodise over Star Wars as he was championing the conspiracy theories and class warfare of Mike Leigh’s Naked...
Set an unspecified amount of years in Earth’s future, End Product tells of a post-war planet where the globe’s black races have been apparently wiped out following years of racial conflict (known in Norman’s book as the Negro Wars). I say apparently, because instead of wiping out black people, the victorious Aryan races have come up with a grotesque plan. Over the course of a hundred or so years, they have lobotomised black people, rebranded them as ‘ediblacks’, claimed they are a different species to humanity, and proceeded to breed and factory farm them as a supply of meat and organs. In essence they have managed a state of total slavery whilst simultaneously denying that any such slavery exists; they are ‘farming animals’, not enslaving humans.
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