(Found) Science fiction book title and author- does any one know this one?

Liz Bent

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2010
When I was just a kid, I read a science fiction book about a young girl isolated on an alien planet, and at the end of the book, it was revealed that she had been genetically modified to adapt to the planet. I for the life of me cannot remember the author or the title of the book, and I'd like to read it again. I read the book in the early 1980s, but it was older than that. Does anyone remember a book like this?

Thanks for any help you can provide!
Well, I gave it a whirl in Chat GPT. Here's what I got but don't think its it. If you have any more details I can give it another try.


There are several science fiction novels from the 1970s and 1980s that involve a young girl stranded on an alien planet, so it can be challenging to pinpoint a specific one without more details. However, one notable example is "Dragon's Egg" by Robert L. Forward, published in 1980. While it doesn't focus solely on a young girl, the novel does involve humans interacting with alien life on a neutron star.

If this is not the book you're thinking of, providing more details about the plot, characters, or any distinctive elements you remember could help narrow down the search.
The Keeper of the Isis Light by Monica Hughes. She is orphaned, and lives on the planet Isis with her guardian; who is a robot. At the end, we find out that she has green (or blue, not sure) scaly skin. When her parents died, the robot modified her genetically so that she could live freely in the highlands, as the planet had thin air and a high level of radiation. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct...usg=AOvVaw0DTgUufjvRn1LTJRS8GcID&opi=89978449
There are 2 sequels.
How do you do this, @Bren G? I'd like to give ChatGPT a try on some noddy quests but cannot find a way of accessing it. Thanks!
@Orcadian you have to click the 'Sign-Up' button and register first. I believe they ask for your address etc and mobile number. No credit card or anything like that - yet.
The Keeper of the Isis Light by Monica Hughes. She is orphaned, and lives on the planet Isis with her guardian; who is a robot. At the end, we find out that she has green (or blue, not sure) scaly skin. When her parents died, the robot modified her genetically so that she could live freely in the highlands, as the planet had thin air and a high level of radiation. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjgsZ_-sOuCAxXWVkEAHYFeCMwQFnoECA4QAw&url=https://www.thebooksmugglers.com/2013/05/old-school-wednesdays-keeper-of-the-isis-light-by-monica-hughes.html#:~:text=Olwen%20Pendennis%20is%20the%20Keeper,by%20the%20planet's%20harsh%20sun.&usg=AOvVaw0DTgUufjvRn1LTJRS8GcID&opi=89978449
There are 2 sequels.
I think this is it, thank you ever so much!!!
Well, I gave it a whirl in Chat GPT. Here's what I got but don't think its it. If you have any more details I can give it another try.


There are several science fiction novels from the 1970s and 1980s that involve a young girl stranded on an alien planet, so it can be challenging to pinpoint a specific one without more details. However, one notable example is "Dragon's Egg" by Robert L. Forward, published in 1980. While it doesn't focus solely on a young girl, the novel does involve humans interacting with alien life on a neutron star.

If this is not the book you're thinking of, providing more details about the plot, characters, or any distinctive elements you remember could help narrow down the search.
I don't think that's it either, but it does sound like a good read, so thank you!
