Superficially, the idea of being exiled to nowhere from the only place and life you have known--no matter how bad it has been--is terrifying. How will you live, will anyplace else accept you there, where will/can you go, will they understand you or even care to, will the next place also eject you perhaps violently, will they imprison you just because you are there seeking help, is the next place violent and dangerous beyond all your experience, etc? Those basic fears you can find within yourself. Since I assume you mean an entire people, so families, heap on every imaginable fear for your loved ones.
Deeper, you need to consider the experience of racial, religious, or cultural bias felt while still at home. There is no feeling quite like being unwelcome by the population in the one place you deserve to call home. In brief, you are truly believed to be and treated as 'less than' and 'disposable' for no other reason than you were born with certain genetics or raised a particular way. And, it doesn't matter how much you prove otherwise--you will always be an outsider in your own nation. Naturally, elsewhere, you are thought of and treated as even less because you don't belong there and have not earned the right to be there.
So you are going from bad to much worse, and the only hope of finding unconditional acceptance is to magically transport to another world--where you really-really don't belong.
Without personal elaboration, consider entering anywhere else, without language skills (even English), penniless, and alone. Because you are not from where you arrive, you are less than them. Because you are not like the people where you end up, you are thought of as even less. Because you are an outcast from where you belong, you are thought even less of again. If an American (as an example), you are met with animosity for being from there, but heap onto that your nation didn't accept you, so you do not bear the authority (struggling for the right word) and therefor make a prime target for people to apply their anger toward America. Finally, Using the US again as an example, if you are not a Caucasian American, you're considered even lower. So, you are considered less than human, their goat or plastic cup holds more value than--you.
You will find acceptance in one sort of place, the favelas/slums of other nations where the outcasts of that nation live. Such places, by virtue of you living there, the population tends to view you as deserving to be there--after some effort.
Lastly, if you ever return to your nation of origin, you will have firmed your designation as an outsider--not of that nation and undeserving to be there. There is no going back to how it was, however bad it was. You are now considered even less than when you were originally there, as you were met elsewhere.
It is the end of your life as you've known it, ever hoped it would be, dreamed of, and is now worse than you ever imagined it could be.
Welcome to your fresh start from zero.