Polycam photo scanning


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Nov 6, 2008
My friend put me on to a piece of software called Polycam. Essentially, you can use it to scan objects in 3d by taking multiple photos and stitching them together to make a 3d model. It's quite clever actually and the details is impressive. You get 7 free scans intitially, but i think if you share the file, you get awarded more free scans. (It's $80 for a year membership.)

So far i've only scanned an animal totem from a park that is near me and a memorial for a Police Officer who was killed in the line of duty in 1846.

Yesterday, he and i scanned a church in Dagenham Old Village, which came out really well and i'm finding it to be quite a lot of fun. Is anyone else using this?

This year, i'd like to use it to scan some of the rarer items in my Millennium Falcon collection and redo the entries accordingly.
Just playing around with this and i'm trying to scan a scrap metal sculpture that i have. Seems to be giving it a lot of trouble as it's come out like something from the Videodrome. :)

<iframe src="https://poly.cam/capture/9C113FC4-E469-476D-A43A-83056A5779AB" title="polycam capture viewer" style="height:100%;width:100%;max-height:720px;max-width:1280px;min-height:280px;min-width:280px" frameborder="0"></iframe>
That's very impressive. I wonder if you could rig it up to a 3D printer and make models of your photos?
I'm just playing with it at the moment and I still have a lot to learn, (properly embedding an object, for a start), so i can't really answer you at the moment. I don't suppose it would be too difficult though.

I saw a wonderful statue on Berkely Square of a dinosaur skeleton and i want to try and scan that some time this week. i think i'm rushing my scans too and i need to slow down. It's kindah nonsense, but quite fun.

I haven't yet subscribed to the app, but i'm getting free scans, which allow me to build my scan using between 20 and 150 images. Subscribers can upload up to 2000 images to build their scan.

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