(Found) Underwater City


Jan 27, 2024
This site has been great! You guys are amazing! I've agonized over these memories for so long! Thanks for the help!

This book may be harder to find.

The premise is that there are now cities underwater as well as land. The main character undergoes surgery to have gills implanted so he can visit there. I can't remember why he does this. There may have been a murder or crime. I don't think he was a spy, but it's possible.

I read this in the late 70's or early 80's. I don't know if it is earlier than that or not. I wish I had more to go on. It's these kinds of spotty memories from old books that can drive you insane. I think the book's cover had a photo of the underwater city.

Thank you.
definitely, I'm also going through other posts here seeing if I can help, but I'm also looking for book ideas to read!
definitely, I'm also going through other posts here seeing if I can help, but I'm also looking for book ideas to read!
Fantasy and Science Fiction ?If so , may I offer a few suggestions ?:)
I don't know if it is fantasy or scifi. It's about someone from a land city being surgically altered to live underwater.
