Amazon Prime’s AI

Equally, if an author passes away before their long running saga is complete, how many would be tempted to read an AI written story as a conclusion? We have already seen several authors attempt stories in the style of a now-deceased author, with varying degrees of success; it's quite possible that AI could do a better job.
That made me chuckle. I thought of it long ago as I'm older and solved the issue myself. With my DTA series (22 books) I've already written the last book. I have 2 to finish, one important but not critical and one a comedy that answers a question that those aching to know the answer to might have to do without. C’est la mort.

As to that last sentiment, I doubt an AI could do better. It knows only language and word proximity relationships, not concepts the author might have alluded to in order to bring forward the conclusion in the last book. Pretty common and my series does it too. Hence my finishing it before the rest were done.
And I wonder how long it will be before we see AI creating blockbuster movies.
I would ask how exactly is there a real difference in outcome between an AI generated script and those committee meeting writers sessions with multiple versions of scenes being picked through and assembled into a story afterward that Disney and others employ now?

One possible benefit of AI's intrusion might be the current crop of writers learning how.
AI is still based on machine learning. So the output is based on the input dataset it is trained on. Such as a genre or author. The supervision by a human is still very important which could be such as giving a plot line and then refining after reading the output. It doesn’t mean jobs have to go. Then a human editor would be important for a good product. Depends on the level required and if it is just a filler product. But AI is not true creativity really. I hope such a filler product doesn’t become common!

I think talented and original, new authors would still shine through.

For science topics for example chatgbt still often gives a poor answer if you want something technical that does not have a fixed answer. The answer can basically be a lie if the tool’s search doesn’t find the correct info. But it can still look believable/ sensible to a non subject matter expert.

Paranoid Marvin put some likely scenarios of writing stories in the style of a dead author (may work ok if they wrote a lot of books) or the at home app is a very interesting one if you had to put in some inputs. As said it is something that can be done for art if you want to imitate styles. Kind of a scary idea for child development if it is something youngsters would use regularly.
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I can see some specific human roles like technical paper reviewers or book editors becoming even more important. As they have to spot the mistakes and not assume the whole content is high level.
But AI is not true creativity really.
Exactly this. AI does not create in the sense that humans do by thinking about a story, how it might develop, what is exciting, what has meaning, what carries emotion etc. It blindly follows rules set by humans but doesn't understand those rules. Like a parrot can imitate human speech. Current AI works by scouring through hundres or thousands of works written by humans. It may be able to mimic an author in style but will never in its current form understand what it writes. It made me think that if AI ever put writers out of work it would only have other AI writers to learn from. Something that doesn't understand what it writes learning off something that doesn't understand what it writes.
Corporate editors can guide the storyline created by the corporate idea man to completion. AI, not a human author will bang out the text until it looks god enough. As for being able to be human to be able to dream up human experience, AI already has millions of stories to draw from what has been scrapped from the internet while no one was looking. The "free" book sites with unauthorized copies have probably been thoroughly scanned.

Writers have not experienced what graphic artists have already seen, that is art that is a remake of a digital photograph that can turned out in any style you want. The 3-D printers started out making items out of plastic. Now they can use resins, PETG, polymers, liquid materials deposited as solid structures, metals, carbon fiber, ceramics, and sand. More materials will be added. This means the digital artwork will eventually have a variety of mediums to create a picture or that will be much more than just ink on paper, it will have physical depth and texture.

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