DISCUSSION THREAD -- March 2024 -- 75-Word Writing Challenge

The Judge

Truth. Order. Moderation.
Staff member
Nov 10, 2008
nearly the New Forest
Happy St David's Day!!

The March Challenge is now up:

Theme: Spring
Genre: Myth or Legend

As far as the theme is concerned, don't feel restricted to the season, but use any sense of the word. Special prizes go to those who can get the most definitions into one story!

Good luck, everyone!
I think they're quite good, the theme and genre! Inspiring - and trust me, living as I do in one of the Nordic countries, thinking about Spring is a welcome distraction from... well, the long, Not Spring times of the year.

I never look at the new genre/theme until I have spare time, because my crazy mind will just boil till my idea comes to me. But I like 'em, good job TJ! Good luck with your stories, all!
Eek!! I've broken the Challenges! :cry:

After 24 hours, not only hasn't anyone entered a story, no one's come in here to comment on theme or genre, not even to grumble at either of them.

*goes away to hide herself in shame*

We're just stunned, really. Dizzy with all the meanings and uses that spring to mind by the word Spring, dizzy with all possible applications that are now tumbling through our minds. I think this month's Challenge may become Legendary.
Some of us are coiled, ready for action; some of us will become increasingly wound up as the deadline races towards us without a hint of a story in sight.
Dont worry. Working on it....

credit: Car and Driver
I’ll try not to go all Pina Bausch on you all.
I had to look that one up! In the end I should have guessed where that one was going.


And in the not unusual first person to formulate a story we have

@Victoria Silverwolf .... How Death Came to the Trees .... This is a story which captures the essence of a myth.
Think my favorite thing is seeing the prompt, running with my first idea, and seeing how quickly something forms. Exhilarating.
Think my favorite thing is seeing the prompt, running with my first idea, and seeing how quickly something forms. Exhilarating.
Same thing came into my mind. Back to the writing desk.

@Graconis has utilised a figure who sprang instantly to mind when I seen the theme and gender. I'll not say anymore as we don't discuss stories till voting is ended.
@Graconis .... The Actions of a Heel .... This is a story that didn't go where I expected.

@Astro Pen .... Withdrawal of Consent .... This is a story which springs on us the best named villain ever.

@Fox Astor .... Persephone .... This is a story of pear poetic words which conveys a sense of both hope and dread.

@THX1138 .... The Movement of the Seasons .... This is a story with a near perfect first sentence. I might just steal it sometime.
Hi there! Just posted. I expect to make “Professor Binfire and the Pollution Solution” the first chapter in a long-running series. Wahey!
@Provincial .... Professor Binfire and the Pollution Solution: or, How the Legendary Professor Binfire First Came to the Attention of the Public At Large .... This is a story of unforseen results and then more unforeseen result.

** The new winner for the longest title! Coming in at 22 words and just under 1/3 the length of the story.
@Provincial .... Professor Binfire and the Pollution Solution: or, How the Legendary Professor Binfire First Came to the Attention of the Public At Large .... This is a story of unforseen results and then more unforeseen result.

** The new winner for the longest title! Coming in at 22 words and just under 1/3 the length of the story.
At last I have won something!!!
At last I have won something!!!
Your prize is having your title hacked** about so that it and your username fit within the system's limit for poll entry text.

** - I use the word advisedly: the person hacking it about (and who has done this more than once before) will almost certainly be me. :eek:

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