Obviously, the Tardis is one of the prime contenders here, along with the ability to change its "Desktop Theme" for the main control room, and possessing numerous identical corridors, some of which look like a crumbling old brick sewer if I recall rightly in the Tom Baker years. But which other shows and books and so on in Sci Fi, Fantasy and other genres have anything similar? Either as a regular space for the characters to hang around, or as some sort of destination to get to, or some place they have to navigate?
Discworld's Unseen University is one prime contender, with rooms moving around by magic, same with Hogwarts perhaps to a lesser degree. Would the Wardrobe to Narnia count?
Discworld's Unseen University is one prime contender, with rooms moving around by magic, same with Hogwarts perhaps to a lesser degree. Would the Wardrobe to Narnia count?