I have never seen

Had that happened , The cat would have been up for best supporting actor .;)
I prefer to think that Leonardo Dicaprio would be up for that award - the cat for Best (or at least, Better) Actor, surely...
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The Sound Of Music.
I was the same, until i was kind of forced into watching it by my GF at the time. It's a favourite of mine, now. So upbeat and i knew all the songs already.

It's an "instawatch" now, if it's on. :)

I've not seen the LotR or the Hobbit Trilogies and i haven't seen Harry Potter, either. They all look like very good movies and i fully intend to sit down and binge them as a series, one day.
I was the same, until i was kind of forced into watching it by my GF at the time. It's a favourite of mine, now. So upbeat and i knew all the songs already.

It's an "instawatch" now, if it's on. :)

I've not seen the LotR or the Hobbit Trilogies and i haven't seen Harry Potter, either. They all look like very good movies and i fully intend to sit down and binge them as a series, one day.
My problem, @Rodders, is that I can't stand musicals.
My sister once complained she had never seen The Sound of Music, mainly because every Christmas when it came on tv the rest of the family would go "On not this again," and then turn it over.
Not seen:
The Godfather trilogy
Sound of Music
Battleship Potemkin
Taxi Driver
Fight Club
Any Quentin Tarentino movie or any Terminator movies ditto any Fast and Furiouses , Jurassic Parks, Mission Impossibles, Hobbites, and the complete oeuvre of Steven Segal is uncharted territory -aside from The Cockpuncher segment of The Onion Movie:

Haven't watched Star Wars (any of them), Blade Runner, The Matrix, either Avatar movie, any Jurassic Park films apart from the original entry, any of the Godfather films, any Alien films other than the first one, anything from basically any major horror franchise you care to name, none of Quentin Tarantino's output, nothing from the MCU, none of the Star Trek films...

Yeah, I don't watch many movies, and most of what I do watch tends not to be especially... "mainstream", I guess you might say?
I don't think I have sat through The Sound of Music.
Maybe it was playing one time and I was sitting around.
But other than the meadow scene showed endlessly in clips---I have never watched it.

I finally watched Gone With the Wind in 2019. Frankly, I didn't give a damn.

I finally watched the Seven Samurai a while back--it was memorable (but so long).
Haven't seen Rashomon.

I gave up on Harry Potter after two movies.
Didn't bother with the Hobbit.
I don't think I have sat through The Sound of Music.
Maybe it was playing one time and I was sitting around.
But other than the meadow scene showed endlessly in clips---I have never watched it.
Ive seen The Sound of Music twice and , no real desire to see it again.

I finally watched Gone With the Wind in 2019. Frankly, I didn't give a damn.
Visually impressive but very much an overrated and dated film

I finally watched the Seven Samurai a while back--it was memorable (but so long).
Haven't seen Rashomon.
The Seven Samurai was a quite good , seen it once , Its storyline has been used and reused by the Western movie series The Magnificent Seven to to the Roger Corman film Battle Beyond the Stars.

Funded by George Lucas , Rashomon is visually impressive , with lost of action but the story is at times, a bit hard to follow. It's worthing watching , Ive never seen Ran , though ive seen clips . It looks quite good.

I gave up on Harry Potter after two movies.
Didn't bother with the Hobbit.
Harry Potter Ive seen several of the films could take or leave em . In the book series ive only read the first no real desire to read anymore of them

As for The Hobbit, not as good as LOTR but I did find them to be very entertaining.
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Citizen Kane and Fight Club are good commentaries. Early Star Wars are pure fun. If you never seen a musical then I would suggest Paint Your Wagon with Clint Eastwood, Lee Marvin and Jean Seberg. It's pure 1969 and you'll sail right through the tunes.
Life is too short to list all the films I have not seen.
But, to mention to most noteworthy:

Harry Potter series, beyond the first movie
Star Wars series, beyond the first two movies
Brokeback Mountain
Schindler's List
Fight Club

And many more I can't recall now, because I never saw them. ;) For diverse reasons I don't feel inclined to watch them yet.

I did see The Sound of Music. It was the first movie I ever saw in the theater, at an age of 12 or 13. I was hugely impressed. I still have a soft spot for it.
I had never seen Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator. That was until yesterday. I don't know why I avoided it for so long.
There are lots of Martin Scorsese films I haven't seen. I got to watch Taxi Driver and Mean Streets as part of a film course. And other than seeing Cape Fear [and the 1962 original as part of a double header] I've never felt the need to go back.
Never seen, and no particular interest in seeing:


Any of the Lord of the Rings series
Any of the Harry Potter series
Any of the Matrix series
Mary Poppins
The Sound of Music
The Lion King
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Re: Rashomon, I've seen that one. It's good, very good.

I've also seen The Outrage, a 1964 remake set in 1870's Arizona starring Paul Newman, Claire Bloom, and Laurence Harvey. It's a very faithful rendering.

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