Ancient 3,500-year-old Mycenaean armor tested

Phalanx gear. The attacker is left with hands, inner forearms, elbows, one knee, back of calf, perhaps the foot and the occasional shot at the eyes. The entire thing screams "deflect"!
Stick a line of these guys up and you've got an intimidating golden looking barricade. Arms, legs and head are pretty light so the mass is central. The boar tusk helmet would be much lighter than bronze. Bronze armor is heavier than iron or steel so rolling to your feet quickly would be problematic. Then again, you've got partners in line next to you.

Spear fighting in some form of phalanx was predominant so running wasn't a big deal. If with a shield; shield on left, hammer grip on spear, thrusting like driving an ice pick but controlled. I'd guess there was a lot of practice with small circles (very hard one handed) and hitting the bullseye. I'd also bet that their forearms were like cords of steel.

Biting into any of the armor itself would be fruitless so it's the little fleshy bits, meaning (to me) few heavy 2-hand thrusts even without shield as two handed fast pool cue type movements would be more shots and parries and biting flesh doesn't take much thrust.

This armor will certainly will slow you down but then again, you're a tank - and you're definitely looking pretty grand.

The ancient Greeks made some very fine and beautiful armor but in my opinion it doesn't touch the Celts for beauty.


Almost certainly a non-combat show off piece as one strike and all the decoration would explode. Pink coral and shell inlays in gold cloisonne. The upper coral was lost when the crest bent. The center band is gilded.

I absolutely love this piece.
A tank, yes indeed.

I can see these guys being the army core, the elite upon which the lighter armed troops (conscripted framers more like, called out when needed and cannon fodder) are centered. Tanks used to break through enemy lines and win battles, like today.

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