DISCUSSION THREAD -- June 2024 -- 75 Word Writing Challenge

Thank you, @Phyrebrat for the mention and @M. Robert Gibson for the vote!

My vote this month went to @DaCrazyKat29 I liked this rather mythical personification with a light (ha!) and humorous tone. Reminds me of some Shel Silverstein.

Lots of good stories, though:

@Cooper_HFT a touchingly complete story
@Christine Wheelwright great humor
@chrispenycate for a thought-provoking counterpoint to @DaCrazyKat29
@Phyrebrat Love the horror of unanticipated consequences.
@Parson ..and more scientific meddling that can't possibly go wrong
@paranoid marvin Love that the alien neighbor's first response is "Ayuh"
First and foremost, @johnnyjet, I hope the surgery goes very well today.

Next, thanks for the terrific reviews, Provincial, Victoria Silverwolf and Parson. That's writing too difficult for me to ever attempt.

Good month of stories... here's my shortlist, and vote:


Victoria Silverwolf, Cooper_HFT, Christine Wheelwright, DaCrazyCat29, chrispenycate, Phyrebrat

My favorite story for the Challenge was AnRoinnUltra's very entertaining, The Problem with Anarcho-capitalism. Loved it when it was first posted, and it hit the mark again on my re-read just now. Well done, ARU!

Huge thanks to Victoria Silverwolf, Christine Wheelwright and Phyrebrat for the listings. :) Good luck all, the rest of the way, CC

edit to add: thank you, mosaix, for the vote! That's very cool, and it made my day. :)
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@Yozh --- Thanks for the mention. I'm sure that "nothing could go wrong with a little scientific tampering." :rolleyes:
Thanks all for all the stories, and for the kind words @Cat's Cradle & @Yozh ...and welcome to the new reviewer @Provincial , fair play.

Some great stories, enjoyed them all:

Professor Binfire and the Dark Light Fright Night by @Provincial
…Nobody panic, it’s only armageddon. (almost voted for this one)

Yet, Again by @THX1138
…Never again, till the next time.

In the Privacy of a Suburban Home’s Bathroom by @Cat's Cradle
…The future of the WC is bright.

Metamorphosis by @Culhwch
…Follow the light.

Shadows by @Victoria Silverwolf
…You can’t have one without the other.

A captain’s sacrifice by @Cooper_HFT
…The captain didn’t go down with the ship.

A Shocking Near Death Experience by @Christine Wheelwright
…New ways, renewed life.

A Promise Made by @Bren G
…Good old Massey Ferguson.

Naming Rights by @Peter V
…It is your fault.

Kiss me, Pandora by @reiver33
…Careful now.

Run towards the Darkness by @DaCrazyKat29
…Anthropomorphizing -great image of the Universe(s), got my vote.

Prism of Hope by @Guttersnipe
…Animal Rescue.

For Better, For Worse by @mosaix

Sunlight by @Daysman
…Guided by the light.

Together Alone by @Luiglin
…What we do in the shadows.

Starbeast and Tonto the Talking Horse in “An Illuminating Idea” by @Starbeast
…How many Space Cadets does it take to change a lightbulb?

Journey to the Light by @Yozh
…The way in.

The Speed of the Dark by @chrispenycate
…You’ll never beat the light.

Hard Light by @Phyrebrat
…Accidents will happen (almost voted for this)

Lighthouse Keeper with Flashlight App by @johnnyjet (hope you're on the mend by the time you see this)
…A hand to guide.

The Light Dawns by @Parson
…Burning Ambition

Light Bringer by @therapist
…There must be a better way.

Dining Out by @paranoid marvin
…Hunger is a good sauce.

Georgie Porgie by @Ursa major
…Comuppance and a light meal.

Thanks as always to @Victoria Silverwolf , @Parson & new recruit @Provincial -always enjoy reading the reviews.
DaCrazyKat29 gets my vote, with Parson, Starbeast and AnRoinnUltra on my shortlist.

Thankyou to those who shortlisted my story, and for the (as ever) kind and considered reviews.
And so ends the 2024 summer solstice challenge: the brightest, most optimistic, least world ending stories since… hang about… wot, no? Ah.

Well, maybe next year…

My favourites in the hall of bright carvings, inc. vote:
@Cooper_HFT (vote)
@Christine Wheelwright

Thanks all for these entertainments, @Provincial, @THX1138 and (under the cover of night) the stealthy @Luiglin for your votes, and @Provincial, @AnRoinnUltra, @Victoria Silverwolf and @Parson for your glowing reviews.

Just made it.

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