Stranger Things - S2E9 - Chapter 9: The Gate

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Eleven makes plans to finish what she started while the survivors turn up the heat on the monstrous force that's holding Will hostage.

There were a number of setups to close for the finale, and while it was tense and exciting, boy did they try and drag it out! When Justin was grabbed by the tentacle underground while escaping the tunnels I actually said aloud "For goodness sake!" because it felt like the show was making every attempt to pad things out unnecessarily.

Once all that finished it was a decent ending - the part where Dustin and Dart met again was touching - and it all seemed to wrap up nicely.

But then we had the Snow Dance, and at first it looked like more padding, but in the end it was a sweet way to wrap up the series - the section with Austin doing his hair and then being rejected, only for Nancy to take over to boost his confidence was wonderful.

And, while we had the inevitable end shot to show the villain was not completely defeated, everything seems to have wrapped up so nicely as to not require a third season. As watching seasons 1 & 2 back to back was so tense for so long we're going to take a break because frankly it's so emotionally and physically exhausting to watch!

I'm not sure what a season 3 might entail - presumably quite a bit of relationship stuff for a few episodes, then maybe something about the shadow monster finding a new way to break through into our dimension - I'm not sure. Netflix keeps trying to play a trailer to me where Hopper is in some form of Soviet prison camp, which means either the Russians found out about the Hawkins Energy experiment and are grabbing people for answers, or else the shadow monster has found a way to disrupt time to cause problems for our heroes - none of which sounds particularly appealing at the moment.

So, while we really enjoyed the first couple of seasons (other than having to see so much of Will in pain in S2), and will probably get around to checking out season 3 at some point, this seems like a very good place and time to stop for a while. :)
So, while we really enjoyed the first couple of seasons (other than having to see so much of Will in pain in S2), and will probably get around to checking out season 3 at some point, this seems like a very good place and time to stop for a while. :)
Very sensible.

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