We finally know why some people got COVID while others didn’t
In a human ‘challenge trial’ we deliberately infected volunteers with COVID to get the answer.

Hmm...is that all there is to it?I keep my jeans clean. Go figure.
Heh. It was supposed to be a riff on the line in the vid about having covid-proof genes.Hmm...is that all there is to it?
Do you use a particular detergent?
Or wash cycle?
Yes, there are anti-virals available here. I don't know how effective they are, and I think they are given here only to very ill people with poor immune systems. I've just ridden it out with paracetamol, but then I didn't realise that I had it until the day I posted here, and that was many days later (I only felt really bad with aches and pains for one night.) I have some tiredness and congestion still, but that is more likely from hayfever and from some actual exercise that I've done. I haven't tested myself again as it should be long gone now. Mrs Dave still hasn't caught it.@Dave Do you have the anti-viral treatment there in the UK, or do you just ride it out? Not that the anti-viral treatment makes you feel any better, but worse for a few days before you feel better. Just wondering.
It is an erratic thing and not just COVID but other illnesses too. Prior to COVID my wife would get flu and I would not and visa verse. With COVID first my wife had it and I didn't (We'd both had all our jabs) same bed and everything. Then the following year I had it really bed but she didn't. Then last year she had it and it lasted a week while I had it and symptoms were gone in a day.You've heard of "Dances with Wolves?"
Meet "Sleeps with COVID."
My wife got it. I never caught it.
We sleep in the same bed and breathe the same air all night every night. No masks; no jammies. I keep my jeans clean. Go figure.