300 Word Writing Challenge -- #54 (July 2024) -- VICTORY TO ASTRO PEN!

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Stately retirement

There is always some light, even on moonless, overcast nights. Not flaming brands thrust into sconces any more, the house is pleased to remember - those had sooted up walls and windows, and introduced risk of disaster, as ladders and planks were installed on elegant staircases and cleaning squads, not even below-stair servants, exchanged raucous instructions, delighting the children. But cold light, for the cold cameras taking in all movement down to a mouse. If mice there had been (but there weren't). It had been years since the last time the security system had delivered a small child hiding under a tasteful table.

The house sighed, with the lightest of creaks, recorded (and noticed) below-stairs, once servants quarters, now security centre. No children - at least, none real, sliding forbidden bannisters, seeking or hidden in historic wardrobes, no. Visitor children are calm and polite, unmended costumes; it would be worth a small conflagration to dilute the boredom.

But this evening only the family ghosts were taking advantage of the the thermostabilised conditions, and they didn't appear on film. Mostly their combined taste set the daytime atmosphere, layered year after decade by fashion and the family onto the walls, and only very rarely calling the guards' attention to attempted burglaries - after all, they've nothing better to do, and they're proud of having persuaded the government to pay maintenance and security on a pleasant enough construction, but nothing outstandingly revolutionary. Still, the ghosts are frequently found playing cards below stairs with members of the private security company, who looked after nights there, even if they would never admit any such contact, or swapping supposedly humorous stories. Breaks the monotony, dunnit?

Takes a shared responsibility for the different classes, and generations, to mix.

Mary ascended the staircase leading to the judge's chambers. Knocking on the ornate door at the summit she was greeted with a curt, "Enter!"

Judge Grey's apartment was sumptiously furnished, Grey himself sitting solemnly behind a large ebony desk, piggy eyes studying the veiled woman standing before him. "Well, what do you want?"

"Sir..." began Mary.

"Your honour," snapped Grey irritably.

"Your honour, I come to intercede for John Gregory. He is no murderer, it was self defence."

"We shall see at his trial," responded Grey, "Though I don't give much for his chances."

"I was told you may help."

Grey cracked a thin smile, "As judge, I have some influence over the jury. A push in the right direction, and they will return the verdict I decide upon." Then leaning forward, "But how will you reciprocate?"

"Your honour, I hoped to appeal to your sense of justice."

"Justice? Hah!" Then licking his lips, "There are alternative ways of persuading me."

"You monster!" snarled Mary. "I'll see you burn in Hell!"

"Not before your husband does." Grey manhandled Mary out of his apartment, to the top of the staircase. "You've sealed his fate; and it'll be the short drop for him."

Oh you misunderstand, your honour," chuckled Mary lifting her veil, revealing a pale face and scarred neck beneath.

Grey's face became ashen. "But you're not Gregory's wife..."

Mary shook her head.

"You're his sister..."

Mary nodded.

"The one..."

"You sent to the gallows last year," Mary completed his sentence.

Grey backed away from the advancing woman, to the top of the staircase.

Then, a sudden thrust.

Then, a scream.

Then, the crack of a breaking neck.

"You were right," acknowledged Mary, "All it took was a push in the right direction."
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The Stairway of Forgotten Gods and Invisible Monsters

Porthos, the leftmost of the three Apollos, had been holding up the third column by the stairs for several Millennia by his estimation when the first earthquake hit.
"Feel that Stanley? Quite a blow!"
Stanley crept about under the fifth step as was his want, audibly grumbling. Wasn't Typical. Displaced "Monster Under The Bed" Stanley usually jovially confronted obstacles, heartily chortling.
Porthos shivered. Thoughts slowly percolated through his stone mind.
Porthos hadn't seen or heard any Visitors in at least a fortnight. Usually the stairs were constantly aglow with their traffic, their gaily coloured orbs dancing up the steps, chiming with each step mounted, creating the joyous harmony that accompanied the days and nights here in the Hallway. All had been Silent amongst the gods.. For much too long.

Lance Corporal Kyrie Eliason, code name Athena, was in the fight of her life. Without moving a muscle.
After the AED had gone off under their patrol vehicle she had been launched out and away from her squad, saving her, the ensuing gunplay killing the rest.
Reconnaissance drones tagged Kyrie as Injured triggering her extraction to Medbase

Porthos heard the whispered bell sphere song, the light mounting the stairs growing blinding.
Goddess Athena herself, wandering like a soul lost.
Stanley for the first time came out from under the stair, unfolding himself completely. To take her by the hand.

Major Paul Stanley, Code name Apollo, couldn't be here. Kyrie knew that. Her deceased fiancee smiled, taking her hand anyways.

Porthos stared as Stanley, the image of himself, the other Apollos stepping off their platform, taking hold of Athena by the hand, the roof shaking apart.

Then Paul took Kyrie's hand, gently holding his lost love as the last stairs crumbled away into a bright starry sky.
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What Is This Life?

The cavern opens out and suddenly is full of light. “Perfect!”

“Look about you,” says a voice from nowhere. “Everything is not perfect.”

“Everything looks fine to me,” I say.

“Because you cannot see yourself.”

“Or you. And where should I be?”

“Not here.” Anger, this time. “Anywhere but here. Your very presence pollutes this place, pollutes me.”

“How so? All my adult life, I have dreamt of finding this place, this temple lost in time and myth. It’s a shame I’ll have to share this experience with my sponsors. But the world deserves to see this lost gem, the very stuff of myth and legend.”

“There’ll be more of you?”


“They cannot come here. And you must go.”

“And why is that?”

“I am this place’s spirit, its very essence. It and I are one.”

“So you have been here from the very beginning, have you? That seems most unlikely. Perhaps your beliefs need questioning.”

“Enough!” This time, I can feel the anger. “You don’t understand. I’ve always been here. I was here before this place was built. And when it was, I did not understand its purpose, nor what purpose was. But something about the temple met a need I didn't know I had. Its symmetry was unlike anything I had encountered before. For the first time I realised that existence was precious.”

“Who… no what are you?”

“You can see what I am. I am at one with the building.”

“And what were you before?”

“I do not know. I had no reason to know.”

“I want to know.”

“I do too.”

A deep rumble comes from the tunnel behind me.

“You may stay until we do.” The voice is now calm. “And then your purpose will be over.”








Remember you have 3 votes
which must all be cast at the same time

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