House of the Dragon: 2.03 - The Burning Mill


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007

Daemon flies to Harrenhal to begin arranging an army, while Rhaenyra meets an old friend to try stopping the war from cascading.
IMDB rating: 8.3 Runtime: 66 minutes
It's interesting that the ratings, episode-by-episode seems to go down, and we really haven't got one that jumps out to 9's. Also, the current season hasn't caught the audience as well as it did two years ago. It's almost as if the people have grown out of the high quality filmed fantasy and when we see in the small or big screen something magnificent it's get shrugged off as if it's nothing new.

Or then maybe many of us has grown over GRRM material, and they can now expect the episodes to be full of cruelty, blood and mayhem, and a lot of high quality dialogue amongst the characters. One thing that I miss from GoT are the little people. In a way, Blood and Cheese were minor characters, but they were also common folk, and you could easily get in their headspace, whereas the royalties are much more complicated.

I hope there's more like them and White Worm in the store...

Just as I was saying, we get small people. Well, small clans clashing in the pastures over policies that really shouldn't concern them, because it's happening over there in the big world. But that's not the case between Blackwood and Bracken as one side is against the other, just like it was back in the day in the English countryside when Henry VI's instability created the War of the Roses between the great houses. Noble Houses.

The thing is that the little people couldn't do much because they were subjects of the houses, just like in the series. And those houses could draft them in the wars that weren't theirs. Just like we have experienced them in the world for a long time. Back then and over there, they didn't had choices when the Lord stated that the young men were to sent to militia.

In our scene, you can see the little people and the yes-men around two lords. Three on both sides,

When Blackwood shouted to Bracken drawn sword: "You wouldn't dare!" None of them imagined that soon after, that same field with a stream running in the middle would be turned red from blood. Thousands of men dead on both sides just because the Westeros doesn't have highly functioning judicial system.

All they had was King Vizerys wise rule, just like England had Edward III. Now it's all gone.


Targaryans burying the Golden Cloaks. In the Black Queen case, I just wouldn't switch out from that outfit until there's peace in the land. There just isn't time wearing any other colour. Besides, it's highly practical for emergency dragon flights to have a light one than heavy. I have loved in the season especially the scene where they've shown DragonStone's mounting platforms. The plate, even though it can articulate in acrobatics, is still a clunky piece. Light armour, much better.

I'm interested to see if in the course of these clashes we are going to see barding on wardragons?

Before I ramble too much, I did find the twin burial to be a cold scene, especially as the boys didn't even get a casket. Not talking about two. Instead, they got buried in their armour at an unknown place with no other burials around.

"Otto Hightower would have never allowed this," the SeaSnake Queen said. "Hotter blood has prevailed, I think. The young men have taken the bit in their teeth. They wish to punish, to avenge. Soon they won't even remember the reason why the war started in the first place."

"That is easy enough," the Black Queen stated. "They usurped my throne."

"That is one answer," SeaSnake said. "Or was it a child that was beheaded?" A moment later, she added: "Or when Aemond killed Luke... or when Luke took Aemond's eye?" She leaned closer and whispered. "We now teeter in the point where none of it matters. And desire to kill and burn takes hold, and reason is forgotten." Then she added, "There might be another way." The SeaSnake Queen looked at the Black Queen and added, "Alicient Hightower."

Intriguing. The black queen mentioned that the last time they'd met, Alicient had thought her as a good choice, "A fine queen." The more intriguing bit is that Alicient had approached the SeaSnakes in order to avoid the war, and their Queen was just a mediator between the parties. But there was no turning of heads as the Black Queen stated, "Alicient is in King's Landing and her son sits on my throne."

Except she didn't but an emphasis on "my throne." Not strong enough to really jump out that she's completely against the idea to avoid conflict. Some parts of her really must want to rage and murder. To let men do wicked things in her name.


Does the weight of your decisions burden your shoulders, "Lord Hand?"

I love that the small people call Ser Cole by that title. Almost mockingly because he's not the right material to wear that badge. Even if he possesses that brilliant strategic mind, he's very immature. And this war is his one and only. His first one.

"They'll be waiting," Squire said to wake him up from his murky thoughts. Ones that didn't get any better as he observed new hires in the King's Guard on his way to the Small Council meeting. They didn't salute him or even announce him, even though Ser Cole is still Lord Commander along his Hand duties. How on Earth is he going to have time for all of his jobs?

He wasn't even aware that Blackwoods and Bracken had clashed, and Blackwood lord was slain in the field, because Aemond had to point it out to him. Aegon thought that drawing "first blood" was a good sing without even thinking about the numbers. "Both sides took heavy losses," Lannister stated. "I-I don't think we can take this as a victory."

The Hand said nothing because he had no words. No ideas even though the King himself was asking for them. All he could do was to remain silent as he'd always been while the other voices, new voices rose around the table. The thing that was common between all of them was that there was no wisdom buried in their lines. There was nothing that told any of them if we do this, this will happen.

Instead, the whole meeting was a chaos. A messy boardroom meeting without PowerPoint slides until the Hand stated, "Riverlands are key to the war. Harrenhall is key to the Riverlands. I will ride out with those who I can muster here. Men I know, men I've trained."

Alicient looked at him and said, "You need time to raise the numbers to challenge the Rivermen."

Ser Cole shook his head and boldly stated, "Speed is my ally. I will turn Crownland houses who declared to Rhyanera to our cause. We will add their numbers to our and then turn west. Where I will enlist Brackens, subdue Riverlands and take Harrenhall."

Ideally. It's just that he never explained how he was going to turn all those heads, because he'd never faced those challenges or even learned what the previous one did in his position, and why. While Alicient saw problems in the plan, Ser Cole leaned on king's blessings to get it done, and he even promised to take Aemond into war, while Vhagar would remain in the Red Keep.

One thing though, Aegon was so eager to get out there to prove everyone that he can wield dragonfire. And everyone denied because they didn't want to lose him and end up in a situation where there would be no heirs to take the role.


So nobody believed White Worm even though she gave out a warning. I even amended my text to suit the episode, instead of following my instincts. She is a spymaster, and the Black Queen needs a Master of Whispers. White Worm even stated that she wanted to be reward with a "place in the court," because the Black Queen had shown her grace and humility.

I have to admit that the intelligence people are always weird. You just cannot get a straight answer out of from them, even if they're telling it straight because you will always have doubts. Is this a scheme or something else? Yet, there she was laying it bare and even stating her desires to strike back at HighTowers, while holding the small folk at the palm of her hand.

It made me laugh when she suggested that SeaSmoke was feeling lonely and that's why he was screeching over the sea. All we know is that the Black Queen has a real asset in her hands. One that she can trust to handle the business ... to a certain end. And even to be loyal, as long as there are coins.

In the aftermath, the Black Queen went straight to Rhana as sent her with the children to Pentos. To be the surrogate mother and their guardian, while she would be down at South waging a war. She was even to take with them the young dragons to keep them safe from harm.

The only thing she didn't calculate was her own councillors turning against her and suggesting her to flee while they'd maintain the business. Rhanery was wise to accept it as she had already made her mind about how thing were going to go forward.


Has Harrenhall always been a derelict dump? When Daemon landed his dragon on top of their tallest tower, it crumbled and the place honestly looked as if it was falling apart. Even down on the ground, there was no life amongst the soggy ruins. Just rats and rubble. And because of it we got the longest clearance scene in the filmed history done by wielding a sword and a plate armour. At the end, Daemon found the Castellan in a dining room with his family. And he wasn't completely happy that Ser Simon Strong yielded to him so easily. Maybe it was because of Laryn sitting in RedKeep even though the more likely case is that he just wanted to murder someone to satisfy his needs.

Well, you cannot always get pearls in the oysters. Harrenhall was his and he wanted to put it back in the stronghold state, even though he'd not realized that the Riverlands had already splintered to Blackwoods and Brackens and there was no 40 000 swords to be raised from the lands. Maybe idealistically he can get half of that number, but realistically I'd lean more towards 10 000 number to carry him towards the Iron Throne.

The rest he's going to need to stay in the land to keep it safe.


No, not the lunch! I find it highly amusing and also intriguing that unhatched dragons have a travel apparatus that keeps the eggs hot. Steaming hot and they don't cook at the inside even though your mind might suggest otherwise.

In the other castle they weren't preparing anything like it. Quite the opposite as Aegon was testing Aegon the Conqurer Valerian Steel Plate on him in order for him to join Ser Cole in the frontlines. It only needed Larys to step in to whisper in his ear to him to turn down the adventure in order the visit the brothels.

If he'd done otherwise, he would have been in the place to clash with Lady Baela and MoonDancer as they chased Ser Cole and Ser Gwayne across the field to the woods. A place she could've scorched but decided not to because of Black Queen's orders. Her Small Council suggested to do a dragon hunt party and "burn them," but she was hesitant to commit to it, even though the advice was strong.

No hunt. And she didn't send a raven to Harrenhall. Hubby was to left alone. Not even intel could be shared. Yet, it was White Worm who she went to see next in order to learn how she could visit King's Landing and see the Green Queen. Dressed as a nun Rhaenyra made it to the temple of Seven and straight to access.

The Black Queen told to Green that she wanted peace. But that wasn't the case as the inteheritance was the case and the last words Vizerys had uttered was from Song of Ice and Fire. The Greens had made their claim on a lie and there was no going back. It was all rushing forward with no sidesteps and turn arounds.

It was all "too late."

It's interesting that the ratings, episode-by-episode seems to go down, and we really haven't got one that jumps out to 9's.
I thought this was the best episode yet of the Second season.
I find it highly amusing and also intriguing that unhatched dragons have a travel apparatus that keeps the eggs hot. Steaming hot and they don't cook at the inside even though your mind might suggest otherwise.
I liked the egg-transporter.
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I don't know. I found the first two boring and floundering, with lots of very slow long camera shots to fill in the gaps. This had action right from the beginning, and the story has picked up a little. I can see where it is going now. The sex actually was part of the story this week and not gratuitous. On the other hand, this could be entirely due to my own mood while watching, rather than the episode itself, but you were wondering why it only got 8.3 and I have no idea, although I see you only gave it a 7.
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but you were wondering why it only got 8.3 and I have no idea, although I see you only gave it a 7.
Because personally, I didn't like it so much. There were places where I thought they talked too much. And if I'm totally honest, I don't know how can you miss a horse patrol when you're riding a dragon. And her excuse of not wanting to cross the line was BS.
I found this the weakest of the three episodes, and it dragged a little. Long conversations that weren’t especially interesting. Some characters are quite stereotypical. Episodes building towards a battle can be disappointing as some drama is needed. The Queen’s excursion seemed silly too. That said it was all still watchable.
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