DISCUSSION THREAD -- August 2024 -- 75 Word Writing Challenge

I have often wondered how that "+quote" thing works, thanks. :)
Its main function is to allow people to quote two or more posts in the same reply, to avoid using "Reply" to each and then having multiple consecutive posts within the space of a few minutes, which we prefer not to have.
@BigJ .... Run it again! (or, the struggle against one man’s nature) .... This is a story that is the very definition of a dark comedy. You feel like you shouldn't laugh but the chuckle won't stay down.
@Daysman .... The Emperor's old clothes .... So much can be revealed by careful study.

@mosaix .... Clothes Maketh The Man? .... And they also tell a very sad story.

@Parson .... Clothes, Power, and Position .... When he put on his work clothes everything changed.
@Daysman .... The Emperor's old clothes .... This is a story which points out that we leave a story in our clothes.

@mosaix .... Clothes Maketh The Man? .... This is a kind of story which shows the wisdom of the ages in the clothes of the age.
@Bren G .... Heed the Fine Print .... An imaginative re-telling of a foundational myth, with a touch of the deepfake about it.
@Bren G .... Heed the Fine Print .... This is a story of broken human promises and faith in a greater promise.
@Far Stranger .... CONSECRATION OF SISTER BERTKEN (1426-1514), ANCHORITE OF THE BUURKERK, UTRECHT .... This is a story of extreme devotion with the smallest piece of human connection.
@Far Stranger .... CONSECRATION OF SISTER BERTKEN (1426-1514), ANCHORITE OF THE BUURKERK, UTRECHT .... An example of an animal showing extraordinary love and devotion.
@Luiglin .... Ooh, fashion! .... A story that trades on good fashion sense or at least what was good fashion sense.
