DISCUSSION THREAD -- August 2024 -- 75 Word Writing Challenge

Sorry for the palaver.

For some reason the software was not including the poll when I moved the thread to this forum... and it didn't help that the first time I moved it here, I then went straight outside to mow the lawn (as the "green bin" lorry would soon be here... although they haven't arrived yet...).

It didn't help that my second attempt also lost the poll when I moved it here. (I blame the five-way tie; it's obviously released some sort of Loki-like creature into this world.)
Wasn't Loki, Tabby has protected the forums from Norse and Elder interference. Wasn't my fault the Sleipnir decided to stay here.If you've brought the attention of some other pest, you can tell Tabby.

Anyway I've cast my vote for TJ.
Congratulations to all the writers in the vote-off (including me!). I cannot remember a five-person tiebreaker.

Really good stories, one and all. My favorite though is TJ's, and I voted there. Good luck to my four compadres, CC
Hm, a five way tie? And I didn't even short list one of those stories? I must be losing my touch.

Anyway, I voted for @Cat's Cradle .... It was a near contender because I liked the love story and the dedication in tough times.
Missed the deadline!

My shortlist was TJ, Victoria, Mosaix and Cul.

Vote would have been for TJ, so possibly we wouldn't have needed the tie-break if I'd been more alert - anyway, that's who got my tie-break vote. I love the idea of inanimate objects holding memory of what went before.
And this is where I find out that no one else has heard of John Dee... *glum*
John Dee crops up in The Science of Discworld (Pratchett/Stewart/Cohen) and also in the Rivers of London series (Aaronovitch). He's also one of the main characters in The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel (Scott)
John Dee crops up in The Science of Discworld (Pratchett/Stewart/Cohen) and also in the Rivers of London series (Aaronovitch). He's also one of the main characters in The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel (Scott)
Also in at least one short story by Alan Moore, but you would expect a self-professed magician to know about John Dee.
I reckon he discovered a potion of elixir vitae, and is still around making a living as a cynical, lugubrious popular comedian - he hasn't even changed his name...

