The clay cursed boy unknown title need help

kyle lovell

Aug 7, 2024
so here's all i remember for the book i only read the beginning so I'm limited so bare with me.
a boy breaks into a mans house and tries to steal something there. the man catches him and the boy pleads not to be arrested saying he didn't take anything yet. the man grabs a clay figurine and connects the boys body to it using magic saying that the clay figurine and the boy are now connected and any damage the clay has done to it the boy will feel. (for example the man says if he cuts off a limb the boys same limb will shrive and fall off. the man has bound the boy to his service until the deed can be forgiven. later on he is helping with a supply caravan and one of the men injuries a creature (a imp like creature) the boy stops it from being killed and takes care of it.
that's all i remember any help would be appreciated please and thank you. if i remember more ill post more.
It might help a little if we knew when you read these books. You say 'when you were a kid' which doesn't really help much. I mean I was a kid in the 1960s. My memory of childhood reading would probably be of little use if your kidhood took place in the early 2000s.

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