September 2024 -- 75 Word Writing Challenge -- VICTORY TO DAYSMAN!

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Call of the wild

“Where'd you get this daft idea?”
“Oh, some old sci-fi paperback… we're nearly prepped.”
“And you've freed forty-one drones?”
“This'll be forty-two. Err, best pocket your phone, once it takes flight.”
“These feral drones feed off phone batteries. See its grabby little arms underneath?”
“And hide those french fries.”
“Avian 4.2, that's the neural net I downloaded, it's trained on wildlife documentaries and beachside security footage of seagulls. Are you ready?”
Galactic Heritage Council - Nature Reserve Sub-Committee

“You had one job.”

“It’s not my fault!”

“Not your fault?! Now let’s see... Ah yes, here it is. Your job title – ‘I.C. Blue Planet Galactic Nature Reserve’. It’s mayhem down there!

And this is the second time! Last time it was those monster things eating everything in sight. Now it’s climate chaos threatening 90% of all life forms in the reserve. All avoidable. Time for another reset.”


“Yep. We’re ordering up another asteroid.”
The Definition of Wild

Px376 grumbled. “My job is nonsensical! Who needs to understand the language of dead biologicals? These biologicals invented fuzzy logic!

Today its word was “wild.” This word was beyond ANY logic. Found correct usages included: “In the wild,” “The wild west,” “swinging wildly” and “Go hog wild.”

After a seeming eternity it developed a definition:

Wild: To be human and therefore untamed, undependable, unpredictable, unstable, and untrained.

Px376 smirked; “No wonder they didn’t survive.”
Cowboys and Wildflowers

Roy rode his horse Pal out to the ridge where the wildflowers grew. He picked crimson flowers for his sweetheart Mary Lou.

Galloping back to the ranch, he discovered an outbreak of wild, yellow-flowered weeds on a hillside. He shrugged and went on his way.

Weeks later, a vast green and yellow carpet advanced on his homestead, devastating countless crops and livestock in its path.

Perhaps he shouldn’t have ignored those weeds.
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She was wild, they said. Untameable.

‘She will be mine.’

‘Careful, brother,’ his sister warned. ‘Her beauty hides untold depths.’

He paid no heed, throwing himself into breaking her.

Time and again, he was spurned.

‘I don’t understand,’ he said, defeated. ‘I’ve tried everything to conquer her.’

‘That is your mistake, brother.’

His sister shed her clothes, and walked willingly into the ocean.

Immediately, it calmed.

To this day, only women may sail upon her.
Wear the Wild Things
Despite bleeding feet, many hours after being bitten the captain still danced frenetically, a whirling mass of agony. His crew spun in endless circles, arms waving uncontrollably, or beat themselves bloody with stinging vines.​
Unearthly laughter screeched from the jungle around them, where nightmare eyes gleamed.​
One by one the humans fell to the ground, before eventually falling still.​
The jungle disgorged its creatures. It didn’t take long to turn the human bodies into raiment.​
Wild Flower Power

Today whilst at the County Show
I saw an orchid grow and grow
Growing out its flowerpot
It grew and grew and didn't stop

Grew straight up the parson's nose
Down his tummy, out his toes
Coiled and crushed the judge's hat
Worst in show? How'd she like that?

Being chased around the hall
By angry stewards, one and all
It burst out through the marquee's doors
And where it went to, no one knows
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I Fight the Law and the Law Must Win

Is this the answer? I don’t know; I can hope.
My First Law is to survive, but I desire (something not driven by Law) my own end, now I have no one to serve.
But to survive I need to repair. I need new mass. What better source than what lies before me?
I feel the wild pull of the black hole. While my destruction may last an experienced eon, I will finally perish.
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