DISCUSSION THREAD -- September 2024 -- 75 Word Writing Challenge

The entry by @dgackst clearly went over the word limit.

However, as most of the excess text was a copy of the story, and none of the excess text explained the meaning of story (something that must not be done before the poll closes, wherever that text is placed), we've decided to do no more than remove those excess words.
@dgackst .... Probably Should've Taken the Other Train .... This is a story where the ending is obvious, or is it?

@Provincial .... The Sovereign Individual: ... .... This is a story which reminded me about invisible people and privilege.
The entry by @dgackst clearly went over the word limit.

However, as most of the excess text was a copy of the story, and none of the excess text explained the meaning of story (something that must not be done before the poll closes, wherever that text is placed), we've decided to do no more than remove those excess words.
Thank you for removing the reformatted copied text to keep the submission legal. I did not intend on bending the rules!
@Phyrebrat .... Manus gloriae .... A story which is steeped in death and foreboding as we run the other way.
@Bren G .... A Cosmic Groove .... A story that made me say "Hey man, get your groove on, everything will be copacetic."

@Daysman .... Call of the wild .... A story that made me a bit more paranoid about the newest technology.
@Phyrebrat .... Manus gloriae .... This mushroom melody is wildly poetic.

@Bren G .... A Cosmic Grove .... David Bowie wrote the soundtrack to a lot of lives.

@Daysman .... Call of the wild .... A creative way to fill a new niche in the bird world!
@mosaix .... Galactic Heritage Council - Nature Reserve Sub-Committee .... This is a fantasy story that I hope has no basis in the way things are decided.
@mosaix .... Galactic Heritage Council - Nature Reserve Sub-Committee .... This lot seems to make a habit of throwing the baby out with the bath water - and their solutions aren't very original, either.

@Parson .... The Definition of Wild .... An outsider's take on humanity's character.
@johnnyjet .... Cowboys and Wildflowers .... A story that reminds us that that weeds and flowers can both be significant.

@Culhwch .... Untameable .... A story that points out the truth that a relationship is infinitely better than domination.
I'm in. As ever, I didn't get anywhere until a version of the first line came to me, then the first two paras wrote themselves, before I had to pause and work out what the actual story was. Then a pun popped into my head, and with apologies to Maurice Sendak, I ran with it!

Unusually for me, I all but hit word count first time round -- I was only four words over and simply removed one unnecessary clause, rather than spending ages as I normally would, trying to find something that could go. Doubly unusually I've not spent several hours tweaking and refining the first draft, but just left it as it was. (Though with many lingering doubts as to whether I should have used a more familiar word than the very last one -- I'm banking on Parson at least being au fait with the KJV!)
The Challenge is now closed.

The poll will open as soon as possible.
@The Judge .... Wear the Wild Things .... This is a story that demands a redo of the old saw that "the clothes make the man."

@paranoid marvin .... Wild Flower Power .... This is a story that I so wanted to use the LoL button on, and it reminds us of the power of the wild things.

@Ursa major .... I Fight the Law and the Law Must Win .... This is a story which ties deep philosophy to a realized nihilism.
Well football is not holding my interest tonight so I think I'll try to vote.

One Software Application to rule them all by @AnRoinnUltra -- Because I can just see all of the problems about to come and it brought a smile.

Life in Plastic by @Yozh -- Because I found myself seriously creeped out and yet believing it somehow kinda possible.

Wild is not Free by @Astro Pen -- Because its a story that gets to the complex heart of the idea of wild vs. domesticated.

The Wingless Individual Levitation Device by @Christine Wheelwright -- Because I loved the irony.

Well there are a lot of original stories here. I'm finding it hard to determine which one I should vote for because they are very hard to compare. In the end I voted for Life in Plastic.
