Seeking a Time Travel Portal Novel


New Member
Sep 9, 2024
In the last few years, I listened to an audiobook on Everand (formerly Scribd). I am unsure of the release date. I seem to recall it being
part of a series of books.

The setting of the novel was the modern day, and involves characters related to an organization working with something like a
rift in time or dimensions, allowing for entities beyond the rift to send technology through to our world. One type of technology
received is a device that can open a portal when projected at a wall. The portal in this book opens on a dystopian Washington, DC
(as I recall), in which decay has set in and all the humans are missing. A duo (man and woman) end up going through the portal
and they eventually learn that everyone in the US has traveled by car to the desert Southwest. There, the duo finds cars sitting
in drifts of decaying rubber as their tires rot.

The plot also involves an unknown event in the future, only a short time away for the present day book characters, which triggers
the dystopian change in the world beyond the portal.

Any help finding this book's title is appreciated.

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