A submission experiment

Due to the shear volume of submissions, they probably just read the blurb, maybe the synopsis if you're lucky. They're might be an aversion to handling outside paper vs digital submissions.
On the other hand, this could be a completely made up story. It feels true, but the YouTuber could have just invented everything, or read it from some other source that made it all up. Sad to think that way, I know, but that's the modern reality.
People are publishing anything that gets people's attention. I look at several sources to try to figure out what's happening, but that doesn't always help. Personally, I did have this experience. Several years ago I sent my typescript to a few places before switching to digital submissions. Not that anything changed. One of the places told me to put my name and the title on the outside of the box. They said they had a big room where all the submissions were stored and it would be 9 months before they would be able to get to it. If they liked it they would contact me.
On the other hand, this could be a completely made up story. It feels true, but the YouTuber could have just invented everything, or read it from some other source that made it all up. Sad to think that way, I know, but that's the modern reality.
Yes (I don't want to cross the political line, but) We live a post-truth society. Though many claimed post truths actually are true and many truths dismissed as post truth invention to suppress them. A totally corrupt and biased media I renders it almost impossible to know what reality is. The situation is not new, it is just a refinement of propaganda.
At a youtube level things like fake 'restoration' videos abound.
With this guy I got suspicious when he submitted Jerzy Kosinski's work as his own.
Pretty sure category editors would flat out know and invoke the copyright and passing off law. I'm not even sure that houses take unagented submissions like that but other her mays know.
So yeah, possibly bulls***.
This is not the first time such experiments have been done. All it proves is that publishing has changed since that book was a bestseller.
If you can get the slush reader to go beyond your first page then you are doing well.
On the other hand, this could be a completely made up story. It feels true, but the YouTuber could have just invented everything, or read it from some other source that made it all up. Sad to think that way, I know, but that's the modern reality.

True. I don't trust anything if a guy on Youtube says it. Or the wider internet, for that matter. Especially if it's got clickbait capitals in the title.
True. I don't trust anything if a guy on Youtube says it. Or the wider internet, for that matter. Especially if it's got clickbait capitals in the title.
Very true. Cross reference, research and verify. Most of the time the vids on YouTube are wrong or just pushing their own personal agenda with real base of support.

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