DISCUSSION THREAD -- October 2024 -- 75 Word Writing Challenge

@Hugh .... When the world was young…. .... This is a story which really graphically illumines one of scourges of our age.
Like my character Kaia I think I might be skating on the edge when it comes to the definition of optimism, but will my entry fly or fall only time will tell - that and voting of course.

Ok, then... surfs up baby.
So, my first attempt comes in at 700 words :D how on Earth I'll get it down to 75!
Contractions? ;)

Joking, but you have my sympathies, pH! My 300 worder started life as a 900 worder... this can (often) be done, good luck! CC
@Bowler1 .... Dare to live life… .... An ecstatic experience sweeps us up into a universe of humanity evolved into inhabitants of the space between worlds.

@Astro Pen .... The Young Recruit .... As with young love, the enthusiastic embrace of the now by the youthful admits of no obstacles, and self-preservation takes a back seat.

@Phyrebrat .... Waiting For No-show .... The future: the undiscovered country, or the land of hope and glory? When the future finally arrives, do three futures turn up at the same time, like with buses? Or does one infinitely variable future turn up, which then morphs into one specific future - the form of which is entirely dependant upon who is waiting for it?
@mosaix - Here Be Comets… - Sweet, innocent. The text takes you along for the journey.

@AnRoinnUltra - Grand Theft Carbon - Funny, light, and very current. I love the names AnRoinnUltra creates. Congratulations!

@Hugh - When the world was young… - Very good. I loved the reference to the stars and the reflection of modern society.

@Bowler1 - Dare to live life… - Brilliant. The text reminds me of freedom after a grand period of turbulence. In life, we have many moments reflected in this text.

@Astro Pen - The Young Recruit - The courage and innocence of teenagers combined with technology. A very good text, portraying our youth.

@Phyrebrat - Waiting For No-show - Very good text, filled with philosophy. Congratulations.

@chrispenycate - Aqualator - I burst out laughing when I finished this text. Very good! Congratulations.
@Bowler1 .... Dare to live life… .... A story that made me think of living your dreams and liking them as well.

@Astro Pen .... The Young Recruit .... A story that reminded me of the joy and stupidity of being young.

@Phyrebrat .... Waiting for No-show .... A story which was both positive and sadly realistic at the same time.

@chrispenycate .... Aqualator .... A story which feels both realistic and slightly drunken at the same time.
I can't now recall if anyone posted a 75 word entry on Friday, but just to confirm what Brian has said re the server crash, almost all of Friday's posts have been lost. So anyone who posted then will have to post again, and those who posted comments/reviews on Friday will have to repost as well.

And to repeat what I've said in the 300 Discussion thread, in the very unlikely event there is another crash, the mods will discuss whether extensions should be made, whether that's for stories to be posted or for the voting deadline to be pushed back.
@Bren G ..... En retard à la fête .... A story which reminds me that sometimes the real news is worse than fake news.

@Azzagorn .... The Early Optimist .... A story that points out that optimism is surely fleeting and maybe misplaced.

@Still Learning .... I'm not being too optimistic: An elevator pitch for the crossover everyone secretly wants .... A story that helps us to see that optimism is just an illusion everything is getting worse.

@ColGray .... The Weight of Brass and Sky .... A story which reminds us that we can step out and look for a future we've not known in our past.

@johnnyjet .... Light Up! .... A story which points out that waiting for the next great thing is a perfect way to enjoy the moment.
