November / December 100 word Anonymous Challenge 2024 Discussion

Thanks elvet. I was going to choose 'time travel', but decided to just go for 'time' so as to include other interpretations.

Good luck everyone, and may the Force be with you.
I'm back home. I had a great time in Quebec visiting a friend. They are having warmish weather too. No snow yet in the Montreal region.

Just under 2 weeks left to go for entries!
Just wanted to say thankyou to everyone who has contributed to the Challenge this month. 40+ stories is a brilliant response.

And of course thanks to elvet and farntfar for making the Challenge possible at all. Your dedication in running things is very much appreciated.
It was a difficult choice for me this challenge. This was a stellar bunch of entries.

Honourable mentions:
Time's Passage and Wisdom - poignant portrait of a life lived
Death of a Falcon - a moment in time changes history
A Very Brief History Of - masterful phrasing
Time Tossed Thanksgiving Threnody - a tale in reverse
Doing Time - totally surprised by the ending. At heart, Star Wars is a universal story that everyone can identify with.
The Erratic Philosopher - Wouldn't it be nice...
The Alarm Clock - We don't get much spooky, but this is.
The confusing history of Google AI process FZB4551 - misremembering--bad enough that our own memory fails

Votes go to:
Time Must Have a Stop - Can we ever really measure time?
Abandoned by Time - how perception of time can change. We've all been there.
Voted for The Swinging of the Pendulum and Time Must Have a Stop.
Went for the former because of the 'where does it go?' eternal question it hammered home, and voted for the latter because it was so well written ('scuttering seconds' was a flash of genius I reckon).
Also really liked Doing Time for the cool punchline reference, A Very Brief History Of for the way it reimagined time as a discovery, and 11:11 for the parable style ...and of course the compulsory (PM;) SW comedy tribute Star Wardens -always a laugh.
Thanks all, and thanks @elvet for making it happen.
And the winner is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>IAN FORTYTWO!!!!!!!
for Time's Passage and Wisdom.
Wow! A great selection of stories to choose from, and it showed in the spread of the votes. There was something for everyone.
Congrats to @Ian Fortytwo for pulling ahead to take the top spot.
Many thanks to all our participants, and to @paranoid marvin for giving all of you an excellent topic to work with.

For those interested in guessing, here is the author list and the number of stories submitted:

AnRoinnUltra - 6
Astro Pen - 1
ColGray -1
Danny McG - 1
Elckerlyc - 5
Guttersnipe - 8
Ian Fortytwo - 4
Karapace - 1
M. Robert Gibson - 1
paranoid marvin - 4
Starbeast - 2
THX1138 - 5
Victoria Silverwolf - 1

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